The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1712: The son is coming (8)

Chapter 1712, the son is born (eight)

"I don't want to be my granddaughter's granddaughter. It's just not afraid of things. If I was afraid of things, I wouldn't rush to the hidden world alone! Dear, you can rest assured that no matter what choice you make, Grandpa will always stand. Your side."

He smiled, his eyebrows and his domineering.

"If this is the world, some people dare to move my granddaughter for this, then I am subverting the whole non-returning continent like the subversion of the hidden world!"

The wind is frowning, and the smile hangs on the lips: "Thank you, Grandpa..."

"What are our grandparents talking about?" Tianya smiled and patted the shoulders of the wind. "You are not like your old man. He was somewhat kind and soft, and he was forced to the level of Nayong, huh, huh... if I was Can, who dares to force my son, I will let his family not rest!"

Although Feng Tianyu kept the bottom line, the harem was still so much wind and rain.

This is simply to lose his face.

Anyway, after going back in the future, no one can say that the end of the world is the wind without regrets. He must not let those in the hidden world know that Feng Tianyu is his son.

This face can't afford to lose...

The wind is like a smile, and the mainland of the moon is consistently praised by the father. No one has ever said that he is useless.

Grandpa is the first...

But... she inexplicably felt that the father said it makes sense.

This old man, who is very upright on weekdays, is also very popular for the people, but in the same way, he will be kind to him. It is only for the kind people. If someone violates his bottom line, he can be a ferocious devil.

He is the kind of person who will never step on his head!

The three major forces of the mainland in the first month of the month are the best examples...

"Shantou, your mother is still very decisive, your father is a kind of scorpion, you must not learn from him, that kind of slap I can punch ten."

The wind is like: "..."

She coughed twice, and righteously said: "Grandpa is right. You can beat ten fathers with one punch. After all, he can have no good luck with his grandfather. He can throw his state affairs to his son, one person. Go out and experience."

A smile at the end of the world: "Are you praising me or yelling at me? I have a skill, he also gave birth to a son to let him work."

The wind was silent for half a sigh, and after a short while, she said: "I have a younger brother, called the wind, I told you a few months ago!"

The old face of Tianya is a stiff: "This... I forgot..."


In their home, is the son coming?

The wind couldn’t help but feel bad for the wind, and forgot the words she had just said with the national teacher...

"Okay, I don't bother you to rest," Tianya smiled. "Baby granddaughter, there are things to remember to come to me, and you can't grieve yourself. If anyone in the city does not bully you, just hit a meal. Go out, don't give me face."


The wind sighed.

Seeing the wind as promised, Tianya turned and smiled and turned away.

After the end of the day, the wind pushed away from the door and walked in.

On the table, there was a soup that she had just sent to her, and it was hot and steaming.

The wind seemed to be a little hungry. She went to the table and poured the soup from the soup pot out of a small bowl.

Because of hunger, she took the soup into her mouth in one bite...


At the moment of the entrance, she did not hold back all the spray.

(End of this chapter)

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