The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1714: The son is coming (10)

Chapter 1714, the son is born (10)

These old men have a smile on their faces.

When the director of the old family was the leader of the family, it was too gentle, even if he was strong and strong. The rest of the South family can't keep up, it's useless.

After the new owner took office, the means were decisive. Not only did the elixir use the elixir to confuse the beastmasters of the beasts of the beasts, but other beasts... also used them to keep them for the south.

Spiritual beasts are items, and why can they not be used? According to the gentle nature of the old family, when can the South have a whole day without returning to the mainland?

Among the crowds in the conference room, only one gray-haired old man shrank in the corner, watching the group of people with a must-have look, dare not say a word.

The character of the owner and the old master is different, and the way of doing things is different.

The homeowner is kind and harmonious, the contract spirit beast...just use the spirit beast as a partner, and grow up with the practitioners.

What kind of beasts can be domesticated, and only look at the skills.

However, the head of the family acted decisively and decisively. In just over twenty years, this mountain of the beasts became his beast.

He regards the spirit beast as a private property, but when there are other people's contracts on the mainland, he will send people to take the spirit beast and kill the person.

In the beginning, countless ethnic groups opposed the family, and those who opposed him were disposed of by him, leaving only those who are in the rabble.

He stayed up to the present, but he had hope in his heart.

I hope that the owner can climb up and regain control of the South... no longer let the South home so smoldering.

After the meeting, Nanfang left the meeting room and he walked in the direction of the prison.

The prison is located in the back of the South House, and a loud voice is heard from far away.

"You are a group of dog thieves, let me go out! If it is not my strength has not recovered, do you think that you can catch me with this group of pens? Funny! When I return to the power of the millennium, I can kill You little South City!"

The prison door was pushed open.

What Nanfang saw at first sight was a cage, in which a black dragon was waiting.

The dragon's eyes are filled with anger and screaming at Nanfang.

At this moment, the dragon is very embarrassed, and there are still wounds that have not healed, but he is unwilling to lose momentum, and the powerful force is overwhelming in the cage, but it is desperately unable to break the cage.

"let me out!!!"

At first it was thought that Fuchen could restore its strength, leaving Fuchen around.

The recovery of strength was a lot of recovery, but it was not complete. Later, seeing the recovery slower and slower, it allowed Fuchen to go back to the Liuyun country.

after that……

In order not to let He Xin’s **** move his family, he used his strength to tear open the space and returned to the world with He Xin.

Why... It’s so powerful because it’s too powerful, and the strength has gone backwards.

Originally, it has found a stable place to restore strength, who thought of suddenly smelling the atmosphere of ninety-nine.

In order to find Jiujiu, he left without permission, but even more unexpected was the encounter with the madman of the South, chasing it to fight...

If it is not that its strength is retrogressive, how can it be so embarrassing to allow this group of people to bully it?

The day when its power is restored, it must be the day when the South will be destroyed!

Nanfang walked slowly to the front of the Black Dragon. He looked expressionless and looked down at it with pride.

"You know, our South has to deal with the unbelievable beast... What is the means?"

Black Dragon sneered: "I only know that you offend your uncle's end, and you and him are the beasts, your family is a beast!"

It is clearly the spiritual thing of heaven and earth!

(End of this chapter)

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