Chapter 1718 escaped (1)

"And, I have been with you for so many years, how many things have been helped by the South? When she came back, would you like to hand over the South to her? What am I? What is my hard work over the years? If she is I am willing to marry me, but she is so ignorant, you still indulge her..."

"Father, if you know that you will eventually become like this, can you still condone your ignorant daughter?"

The old man closed his eyes and he did not want to go to see Nanfang, but he was even more reluctant to answer his words.

"But..." Nanfang sneered and sneered. "The old man of Rongqi knows that he will die this time, so he wants to see you again before leaving. I have always been reasonable, how can I not allow you to ask for this?" to do it, you know it."

When the voice fell, Nanfang straightened up. He patted his hand and smirked at the corner of his mouth: "Bring someone up!"

The old man turned his head. In an instant, a familiar face was reflected in his eyes. He was excited and struggled to climb from the bed.

Outside the window, a woman with tears in her face was at the door, her hand pressed against the door and window, her face with a sad look.

If the wind is here, it will be seen that the woman looks exactly the same as the plain clothes.

"Yifu," Nanfang smiled and licked his lips. "So, if you don't want your baby daughter to have any mistakes, it's best to be obedient. After all, you also said it in person, it is her disobedience, you just put the South. Give me the title of the family."

He paused and smiled even more gloomy.

"But there is nothing wrong with the day. She did disobey the filial piety. She should have married me as a wife. If she chose to refuse, she must pay for it!"

Father’s eyes were filled with hatred and anger, staring at Nanfang.

There is a burning flame in the eyelids.

"I know that you are very angry now, can't wait to kill me, but unfortunately, I will live well, now I let you live, but it is just to let you witness my strength, I will do more than you do when you administer the South. it is good."

The old man sorrowfully closed his eyes, and his face was covered with two tears. His body was shaking and he was holding his fist.

The pain in the heart is hard to add.

I am sorry, I am doing something wrong.

I shouldn’t have led the wolf into the room, so that it ruined your life! ! !

"The old things will come in later, you will prepare, see him on the last side, the old guys who opposed me that year, and only he is still alive."

Nanfang smashed his sleeves and turned away.

When he walked out of the door, the two guards at the door made a look.

The two guards left the room with the woman, and gradually disappeared into the eyes of the old man...

In the quiet courtyard, Nanfang stopped.

The woman behind her stopped crying, and her back in her eyes retreated, with respect in her eyes.

"Homeowner, when do I still need to face this face?"

"After a while, Nancheng has completely become my world. I don't need to threaten this old thing at the time." Nanfang's eyes sank and a cold mang disappeared from his eyes. "If it wasn't for the South Suyi." The woman escaped, I don't need people to pretend to be her at all! But you can only see him through the door, otherwise, it will inevitably be seen by this old thing."

(End of this chapter)

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