The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1743: Two years (ten)

Chapter 1743 two years (10)

Regardless of whether it is the knife mountain or the scourge waiting for them, it will accompany her.

Only in the place where the clothing is in, will it exist.

"White phoenix."

Suyi raised his hand and gently hugged Bai Feng’s head: "Thank you, accompany me for so many years..."

From that year, she was full of blood in front of Bai Feng, perhaps destined to accompany them all their lives, never give up.

"Suyi, I don't have loved ones, you and Nanxian, and small dumping, are my only relatives," Bai Feng's eyes gathered together to laugh, "so no matter where the clothes go, I will follow! Otherwise, what if the plain clothes are being bullied in case I am gone?"


Suyi holds Baifeng tightly. She knows that this time she went to the South, it was bound to be extremely dangerous. The only thing she was embarrassed was that she had dragged Baifeng down.

But she also understands that even if she lets Bai Feng leave, this guy can't go...

"Then let's go, I'm afraid I won't leave, maybe... I won't see him."

The clothes are coveted and the eyes are sad.

Bai Feng opened his mouth, and he wanted to say that if the South Father’s body was in his arms, the small tilt would definitely cure.

But he also understands... Su Yi is not willing to let Xiao Ting intervene in this matter, for fear that he will be in danger.

What's more, this time I went to the South, I can't see the Nanjia Father.


As long as Suyi decides, it will accompany her.

Su Yi turned, she passed through the clouds, as if I saw a thousand miles away... The familiar hometown, the lips with a smile.

"Oh... I am back..."

After twenty years, she finally came back...

Sorry, when you left, let you face so many waves, this time I am back, I will not give up.

I will let the people who have hurt me in the past, all pay the price!


Nancheng, a peaceful.

as usual.

On this day, there was a loud noise from the city gate of Nancheng.

The two guards who defended the city flew into the city and fell to the ground.

The people in the city were shocked, and they turned their heads and looked at the gates.

I saw a phoenix hovering in the void, it was red and vomiting, and the entire city gate was destroyed into a ruin.

Under the white phoenix is ​​a woman, white clothes dust, elegant jewels, her gestures are elegant and extravagant, equally beautiful!

"You... you are..."

Those in the city, and some people still remember the South Miss Nan Su, who was famous in the south of the city.

It was because I saw the familiar face that I couldn’t help but widen my eyes.

South... Suyi?


South Suyi has been away for so many years, why is it still so young?

The reason why their south lady is still young is that it is maintained with countless elixir. If Nan Suyi has been away from home for many years, how come she has so many elixir?

"Fast, go to the homeowner, Nan Suyi is back!"

After all, someone still came back and said in a hurry.


South home.

Inside the study, Nanfang’s fingers point to the table, and there is a book in front of him, his brows are wrinkled.


At this moment, a flustered voice came from outside the study, not waiting for Nanfang to open. The guard had already rushed in from the door and looked anxiously: "Homeowner, Suyi... Miss Suyi is back? ”

(End of this chapter)

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