The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1752: Wind and rain come (3)

Chapter 1752, Wind and Rain (3)

"Qiu Hui, we are good for her!" The old gunners were also somewhat unhappy, and they fell down. "I admit that Tianya itself is a good talent, but it does not mean that he can cultivate the saints! You can't help but ruin." Her future? What's more, we also need a consul in the nine doors."

"And, on the mainland, apart from the South and the Nine Gates, there are other forces. We are only occupying one side. Even because we have more people, we can surpass those people, but have you ever thought about it, those people know her? What consequences will it have for her? Since we can find the cause of the Spiritual Storm, I don't believe that other forces can't find it! Tianya is just a person, how to defend against so many powerful people?"

Qiu Hui’s footsteps, her back to the saints behind her, sneer at the corner of her mouth.

"First, I am still the sentence, she is not a **** of the gods, and second, how do you know that summer and summer do not want to follow the wind girl? You make the mother and daughter scattered, why do you endure? Unless they voluntarily send their daughter, But in my opinion, this is impossible. She is the girl's eye, even if she is really at risk, she will not send her daughter."

"Qiu Hui!" The old man in the white robe did not have the calmness of the gray cannon. He was annoyed. "She is not a saint. I will know when I bring back the nine. Since you already know our purpose, this time, you Don't leave the nine doors."

Qiu Hui’s light is getting colder: “If I have to go?”

"Qiu Hui, the same as the sage, we are eight, you are just one, you are alone, how are the opponents of our eight?" The old gunner smiled. "You don't have to worry too much. We are always doing things." Indifferent, the mother of the saints will not hurt us. After all, I still hope that the saint will be the nine-door master, but... she must follow us!"

Qiu Hui squeezed his fist tightly.

On the same day, she and the girl in the wind were in the door. I didn’t see any light at all. Even people outside were not seen. Why would anyone see the light? If the nine want to play the summer and summer ideas, the wind girl they are still unaware, it is difficult to ensure that they will not be in danger...

Therefore, she must not be left behind!


Qiu Hui pulled out a long sword, her blue silk fluttering, and her mouth was sneer.

"I owe the end of the world, so even if I am killing nine doors today, you don't want to stop me!"

"Qiu Hui!"

The congregational people are all annoyed. They are doing good for the sake of the saints, and for the nine gates, why Qiu Hui is betraying them so much!

"Qiu Hui, we are calling you back today, not to confirm this, but... don't want you to intervene. Before that, we have sent people to Supreme City. Do you think you can catch up even if you leave?"

Qiu Hui’s face changed abruptly, and the anger flared in his eyes.

"The dismantling of mother and daughter is against human morality! It will be condemned!"

"We don't hurt people, just want to take her away. Heaven will not take care of this kind of leisure. Qiu Hui, she is already coming to the Nine Gates. If you leave, you can look after the children for us. If Going away, it’s hard to protect the other nine people from taking care of her..."

Looking at these people to show their strange faces, Qiu Hui shook hands with the hand of the sword. After all, she was still unable to loosen, and slowly closed her eyes...

Yes, if she is gone, she will not be able to come back.

If you keep it, you can steal it in summer and summer.

Ps: This is what I made yesterday, and today’s

(End of this chapter)

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