The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1756: She is a half-orc (1)

Chapter 1756, she is a half-orc (1)

Rong Qi this group of people has no brain, do not know to inform the end of the world, so ...

Only one thousand can be expected now.

She quickly gave a look to Qian Ning. This time, she was clever once and understood the meaning that Tang Yin wanted to express.

Even though Qian Ning couldn't bear to leave, she finally bit her teeth and turned away. Flying quickly toward the door.

Looking at the back of thousands of condensed, Tang Yin quietly sighed, but she still did not loosen her hands in summer and summer, a pair of squats filled with vigilance.



The palm of the Tsing Yi woman slammed into the chest of Rong Qi, and the footsteps of Rong Qi stepped back a few steps, and rushed to the front of the Tsing Yi woman.

Looking at the figure that Rongqi was flying fast, the Tsing Yi woman made a look to the two people beside him: "Mo Xia, Mo Shuang, you are going to take the little girl."


The two men are also women, one in a green dress and one in a black group.

When they were two, they were already in front of Tang Yin.

This oppression is extremely powerful and powerful enough to make Tang Yin’s breathing difficult.

She was very heavy and hugged her summer and summer.

"Give the girl to us."

Mo double-faced and expressionless, look indifferent, she looked down at Tang Yin in front of her, the expression is like watching a dead person.

If it wasn't for the Supreme Master who had told me that he couldn't hurt the people at the end of the world, I am afraid that they would not be so gentle, and they would have already started killing.

Tang Yin sneered aloud: "As long as I am still alive, I will not surrender summer and summer!"

"In this case, then we can only do it..."


Mo double jumped in and she was fierce.

Tang Yinsheng was afraid that Xia Xia would be hurt, and he quickly used his back to face Moshuang.

A punch of bang on the back of Tang Yin, she spurted a spurt of blood, delicate and cute little face white and colorless.

"Don Juan..."

Xia Xia, a pair of nephews, do not understand what happened, why these people want to catch her, but also to fight Tang Yin.

It can be seen that Tang Yin was injured, and tears appeared in her big eyes, red and red.

"It hurts?" Xia Xia's mouth is slightly stunned. If Tang Yin says a pain, she estimates that she will cry directly.

The little face of Tang’s pain is distorted.

She used to be in the Tang family. She has never been beaten like this. After leaving the Tang family, the wind and the Nalan family have protected her very well. When was this injury?

Looking at the big eyes with tears in summer and summer, she endured the tears and smiled reluctantly.

"I don't hurt, and itching like it, don't cry in summer and summer, Don Juan will protect you."


I haven't waited for Tang Yin to say a word again, and the powerful momentum behind him has come.

This time, she flew out.

Even so, she pulled the summer and summer tough in her arms and held her tightly.

"Do you think that you can protect her by your strength?" Mo Xia asked faintly.

Tang Yin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up from the ground: "I can't protect it, I have to protect it."

"I don't care."

Mo Xia sneered, and the body was vertical, and it had already reached the top of Tang Yin’s head.

Tang concealed his eyes...

Xiao Teng once said that spiritual power cannot be used outside, otherwise it will expose her half-orc identity.

But she has no other way...

Even if she can't beat this group of people, as long as she can delay the time, when the world comes back, summer and summer will be safe...

(End of this chapter)

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