The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1758: She is a half-orc (3)

Chapter 1758, she is a half-orc (3)

"I don't know. From today, I feel flustered. I thought that Suyi had an accident. After leaving the city, I was even more flustered..." The wind was screaming at the heart.

Her heart almost stopped beating and breathing hard.

"Pour the child!" The South String saw the wind as pale and pale. He reached out and held her cold and trembling hand. "What happened?"

The wind has closed his eyes and wants to calm down the feeling of flusteredness.

In her mind, an inexplicable sound rang, as if it had crossed the flood and fell into her ears.

"Nine Emperors, my name is excellent."

"This is the imprint of our Tianling people. If there is an afterlife, I will go to you again. You must wait for me..."


The string in her heart violently broke, and the pale face overflowed with cold sweat: "Summer and Summer!!!"

Then, she stopped saying a word, and quickly rushed toward the direction of Wushangcheng.

In those eyes, it was full of anxiety and madness.


"Fuchen brother, my sister was trafficked by a trafficker!"

Xiaoqing Han is in a hurry. Just want to catch up. Fuchen pressed her shoulders hard: "The end of the world is estimated to be on the way back. It is safer here. You stay, I will catch up enough." ”

The voice just fell, Fuchen was covered with a layer of light. After a while, the young boy had grown into a young boy.

Without any hesitation, he chased forward.

"Fuchen brother seems to have grown up again..."

Only she has always been short, as if she didn't grow up.

Qing Han mouth slightly stunned, she looked at the woman in Tsing Yi: "Bad woman, why do you want to catch your sister!"


As the spiritual power surged, countless vines spread from the ground, like countless tentacles, making people frightened.

"She stayed, she didn't have any benefit for her. Everything we did was for her!" The tone of the Tsing Yi woman is, of course, "you have to stop us, isn't this blocking her future?"

"As for you..." Tsing Yi women turned to look at Tang Yin. "They let me not move the people of the military, but the presence of half-orcs will affect this continent... In order not to cause a fight, I can only abolish about you."

Above the mainland, there is a charm that can make a woman become a stove, but a half-orc is different from those of a stove. Only her first man... will enjoy the benefits of a breakthrough.

And in her life, there can only be one man.

For nearly a thousand years, there have been no spiritual beasts in which humans love each other, and no half-orcs appear.

She is the only one.

But if... this woman is abolished, then the benefits of her physique will be gone.

She couldn't bear to see that this girl was forcibly taken away by the people in the future, and she was abolished... also for her good...

The woman raised her hand and a long sword floated in the air.

With a cool and cold color.

"Don Juan!"

Qing Han’s face was white, and her speed could not keep up with the speed of the sword. She hurriedly stalked the vine with her long sword.


The long swords cut the vines, slammed from the sky, and stabbed Tang Yin on the ground.


The sound of the long sword not into the body is so obvious that the blood rushes out and stains the face of Tang Yin.

Tang hides it.

Her eyes condensed on the person who was in front of her, and the woman in front of her face slowly fell to the ground, and a painful heartache came from her, so that her tears poured out like a spring.

(End of this chapter)

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