The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1760: That familiar feeling

Chapter 1760, the familiar feeling


The end of the world rushed to the Tsing Yi woman, with anger in her eyes.

The face of Tsing Yi’s woman finally got solemn and her body receded.

She is only taking advantage of the end of the world, otherwise, it will be difficult to take away the little girl.

I didn't expect Tianya to come back so soon.

Fortunately, she let people take the little girl away from here, even if the world comes back, it will not help...

"What kind of people are you? Dare to come to my house to hurt people!"

The momentum of the horizon is like a sword, like Changhong, and in a flash, it is in front of the Tsing Yi woman...


As the wind has been tilting from now on, the panic in my heart has intensified. She can't help but speed up and rush to the direction of Tianyafu with the fastest speed.

Far away, she saw that the sky above the end of the world is full of people, the end of the world is red, very conspicuous under this moonlight.

She didn't know what was going on, but the inexplicable thing was that her body was a little trembling, but her speed didn't stop. It was like lightning, and in a flash, she had already arrived in the house.

The Fuzhong is already a mess, and there are countless bodies lying on the ground. Among the group of people, Tang Yin is covered in blood and falls into her embarrassment at a glance.

Today's Tang Yin, already face to death, holding a woman in her arms, the eyes hanging down cover the sadness and despair of the eyes.

At that moment, the body of the wind was squatting, and the endless anger surged from her heart, and it was enough to destroy the earth.


Qing Han first saw the wind as a tilt, all fears and fears turned into tears, flowing from her eyes: "Sister was taken away, she was taken away by the bad guys!"

The wind trembled like a body and fell from the sky.

The South String rushed to her in a faster step, connecting her body that was about to fall to the ground.

A stream of blood poured into the throat, and she squirted out with a bang, and the red blood sprinkled on the clothes of the South String, so that the man’s heart would follow, and the cold eyes looked at the enemies in the yard. Contains killing.

"South String, go find summer and summer, go find her!" The wind caught the South Strings in the air, and she even had despair and sorrow in her voice. "Go to summer and summer!"

The South String is not at ease, and he frowns, and the beautiful face flashes his worries.

"Don't worry about me, Grandpa is here, I won't have anything, you go to summer and summer!"

Summer is her life.

She can't let her be in any danger!

The south string is swaying, looking at the horizon of the battle with people in the void.

At this time, the horizon clearly occupied the upper hand, and his heart gradually fell, slowly nodding: "Qinghan, taking good care of me, I will bring back the summer and summer."

He didn't say much more, his body was like a breeze, and when he blinked, he disappeared in front of everyone.


Qing Han went to hold the hand of the wind.

The wind trembled and walked toward Tang Yin.

"Little hidden..."

"Hey," Tang Yin extended a finger and put it on his lips. Her face burst into a bright smile, innocent and innocent. "Small, don't talk, my mother is tired, she wants to sleep."

"Small hidden! Sorry..."

She should not leave, should not go out of the general.

If she didn't leave, everything wouldn't happen. She wouldn't let people steal summer and summer, and it wouldn't hurt Xiaoya.

The wind slid like a black light, and even though he saw the little soul, he ran out of the black sword and stood beside her.

(End of this chapter)

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