The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1774: Didn't harm her? (One)

Chapter 1774 does not harm her? (One)

She had just thought that she had leaked the storage bag in the room and wanted to come back and take it. I didn’t expect this Nanlu to have left.

Nanlu was obviously panicked. She bit her lip and lowered her head and ran out from the side of Suyi.

Suyi looked at Nanluo and looked at the teapot on the table.

There have been obvious signs of passiveness...

"Bai Feng, I changed everything here."


Bai Feng was a bit stunned and looked at the plain clothes.

"She is the daughter of Nanfang after all. I don't trust her, and don't let her come to my room in the future."

What is the means of Nanfang, she knows better than anyone else.

Nan Luo is the daughter of Nanfang. She was bullied and did not leave the South. It is obvious... what kind of thoughts she has in her heart.

For Nan Luo, she really can't trust.

Bai Feng understood the meaning of the plain clothes this time. He asked some questions: "Hello, you have helped her, she will not be envious of the enemy? Then she is too unconscion."

Su Yi laughed: "Who knows?"

She didn't know what Nanlu thought, but since then, she will never have any contact with her.


South home backyard.

Nan Luo looked flustered and left the room of Suyi, and the cold wind passed, she found that she had already been shocked by the cold sweat.

Far away, she saw the middle-aged man standing at the door of the room, and suddenly stopped in her heart.

If it was in the past, she would be eager to see Nanfang, and even hope that he can give her some tenderness.

However this time...

Her heart was lifted tightly, and her eyes were flustered.

The side of the south side of the square, the purpose is the girl's pale face, his brow wrinkled, slowly coming, look sharp, tone with a touch of light.

"Where are you going? What happened to the things I asked you to do?"

Nan Luo bit his lip and lowered his head: "My aunt is very prepared for me, I am not very good at starting."

"That's useless to you," Nanfang sneered. "I know the most about sex. She has a simple personality. As long as you don't show a side that is not good for her, she won't be suspicious. I can see that she is very maintenance. You, but even if you can't do anything, you are not useless..."

Nan Luo's body froze, and the hands on both sides clung tightly, and even breathing was difficult.

"Nan Luo, I will give you a few more time. If you have not completed the task I gave you, then I will marry you to the son of Jiangjia. The Jiang family has already come to the door and asked me to refuse." ”

The son of Jiang’s son, Nanluo, also knows that it is a good son like a jade.

The status of the Jiang family in Nancheng is not low, just not as good as the South.

If in the past... Nanlu will not touch it much after hearing this.

But this time...

In her mind, the inexplicable appearance of a beautiful face like a fairy, let her lips bite, bowed his head: "Hey, I know."

"I hope that you can dress up as soon as possible, Nanluo, you are my daughter. If you can do this, then you will be in the south, your mother and brother will not be like this to you..."

Nanlu’s eyes lit up slightly and then dimmed. She smiled bitterly: “I understand, I will do it.”

In this world, my aunt is the only one who has helped her.

But she... also has her own selfishness.

She does not want to marry Jiang Jiagong, but also hopes that ... parents can give some love to her.

(End of this chapter)

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