The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1786: Father is not going to work (9)

Chapter 1786, Father is not going to work (9)

Under the entire sky, the sound of Bai Feng sounded.

Nanfang bit his teeth and once again slammed the power into Bai Feng’s mind, trying to occupy all his consciousness in the fastest time.

That force ran rampant in Bai Feng’s mind, making it a little bit painful, holding his head tightly, and blood flowing out of its ears, but it was still red and red, staring at Nanfang.

"It’s useless. All the methods are useless to me. I said that I will protect the plain clothes. I will never say anything in this life!"

Its plain clothes have already suffered too much damage, how can she bear to let her hurt again...

Bai Feng’s nostrils also had blood flowing out of his nose, and the whole phoenix seemed to be miserable.



The force violently hits its consciousness. It only reverberates over the appearance of the plain clothes over and over again to resist the power of this invasion.


An angry drink came from the hospital.

When Nanfang looked up, he saw Suyi carrying his father and stepping out.

Her pace is not slow, every step seems to have a heavy voice, and the slap in the heart of Bai Feng.

"Suyi, take him away, go!"

Bai Feng’s voice was hoarse and trembling, and he shouted exhaustedly.

Suyi did not speak, nor did she put down the father on her back. She walked towards the court with her steps.

Even the eyes of Nanfang are all calm.

"South Square."

Her tone is calm and calm to some terrible level.

"God is not a blind man. If you do this, you have not thought about the retribution that will happen in the future?"

Nanfang smiled and laughed: "Retribution? I am just taming. This phoenix is ​​yours. I will not play its idea. It is necessary to block our way, to live and die, and there is no way." It is."

Suyi held her fist and she took a deep breath and forced herself to remain calm.

"let's go."

The old man can't hold it for a long time. Now is not the time to avenge, they can only come back after the father has recovered.

"You can go, you have to put down my righteous father," Nanfang smashed his long sleeves and blocked the way of Suyi. "The old man is going to die, Suyi, you are his daughter, you can't give him a Quiet?"

Wei Wei looked at Su Yi and turned his eyes to Nanfang.

"French, she doesn't know what it is. You don't know. She thought that as long as the father is in her hands, she can use the old man to threaten to give her the South. The biggest tragedy of this life is to have such a daughter who is not recognized by the six parents. ”

Su Yi’s fists lingered, and she felt that her father’s breathing was getting weaker and weaker.

If she had just mentioned the existence of the South String, she was afraid that the Father could not support it at this moment.

"Let me go, I only say the last time!"

Su Yi raised his face and looked at Nanfang calmly.

Nanfang does not give way: "Let me down, I can leave at any time."

The face of Suyi is getting more and more ugly, and it has cost her all her strength to stay calm.

"Suyi," Bai Feng coughed and coughed up a blood. "You go with the father, I can block them."

Just like the one just now.

Su Yi turned to look at the weak white phoenix: "To walk together, my father is extremely important to me, and you are the same, I will not leave any of you."

(End of this chapter)

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