The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1795: He is her son (1)

Chapter 1795, he is her son (1)

This man, even the temperament and the plain clothes are so similar.

Similar to... let him want to kill him.

"You and I are waiting for me."

In the moment when Nanxian saw Nanfang, his eyebrows also cooled down, turning his head to look at the plain clothes, the sound of the cold road.

Su Yi opened Zhangkou to say something, after seeing the cold face of Nanxian, she did not say anything after all, stood aside...


Under the void, Nanfang was black with a face, and his face stared at the South String.

The infinite storm opened from his body, forming a strong wind, and a bang slammed toward the South String.

In an instant, even the whole world has changed his face.

Nan Luo had already climbed up from the ground. When she saw the south square of Nanxian, her heart was inexplicably smashed.

Obviously just... Nanxian has dealt with her.

But she still involuntarily worried about his comfort.

Can not help but, the eyes of Nanluo turned to the wind in front of the old man, with envy in his eyes.

Even if she has been bullied more and more in these years, she has never envied anyone.

Only this time, she envied the wind and admired her to have such a perfect man to accompany her.

The wind has already noticed the gaze of the rear. However, now her attention is all focused on the spiritual medicinal diet. From the beginning to the end, she never looked back...

Nan Luo also took his eyes back and turned to look at the war beside him.

The figure of Nanfang has already reached the front of the South String.

The strength of the two collided in the air, and the powerful storm spread out from their bodies. When they were caught off guard, they stepped back a few steps and almost fell to the ground.

The throat of Nanxian was a little sweet. He refused to let the plain clothes and the wind fall, and he endured hard.

A beautiful face is still calm and calm, with a cold glow in his eyes.

"What is your relationship with Suyi?" Nanfang held his fist in his death. He stopped his movement and looked down at the man in front of him. He asked quietly.

He couldn't stand it. He almost became his wife's robes and married people.

The southern string is calm and hooked: "She is my mother."

She is my mother...


The anger ignited from the heart, with anger and anger, as the storm swept out.

"Suyi, you actually married, who is that bastard!" Nanfang gritted his teeth, sighed.

His eyes are red, like an angry lion.

At that moment, Suyi suddenly wanted to export Muling.

There is no difference between Muling and this South Square. The same **** is shocking.

I thought about it. In order to admire the old man, she did not say it after all. She smiled and said: "It has been more than 20 years since I married. It is normal for me to marry. Who can stipulate that I cannot marry other people in this life? ”


The anger in the heart of Nanfang is even worse. The whole person seems to be ignited, and there is a raging flame in both eyes.

"When you lived and died, you refused to marry me. Now, you don't know what kind of man you are married to! I don't care if you marry, you can't escape. Your son will die today!"

After the words fell, Nanfang’s figure turned into a long sword and once again rushed toward the Nanxian.

The old people of the South House were shocked. They looked at Su Yi’s eyes with accusations and anger.

(End of this chapter)

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