The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1797: Father rehabilitation (1)

Chapter 1797 Father Rehabilitation (1)

Under the void.

The woman's snow-colored dress, light and elegant, such as the snow, clean and dust-free.

Everyone in the South has been blocked, and his face is a bit ugly.


Behind the clothing, the wind was so straight, she poured out a cup of elixir soup from the pot and walked slowly to the front of the father.

Xia Xia looked at the wind as the elixir soup, and the drooling water almost fell off, his eyes could not be removed, and he swallowed his mouth.

But at this moment, the wind did not have time to take care of summer and summer. She squatted down, took out the spoon, scooped up a spoonful of soup, and put it on the lips of the old man.

The old man is already in a coma, so there is no way to drink the elixir soup.

The wind brows like a brow, she uses her fingers to move the mouth of the father and force the soup into it.

not far away.

When Zhao Yi looked up, he saw the behavior of the wind. His face changed on the spot and he said, "What do you feed the father? You really don’t let the father die, even feed him. Drink poison?"

He swayed into the plain clothes and tried to force the plain clothes to rush in to bring the father out of danger.


Su Yi raised his sleeves, and a fierce light forced Zhao Yi to go, and forced his body to retreat a few steps, face Li Qing.


He gritted his teeth.

Su Yi sneered: "I said that no one can bother to disturb, then I will not allow anyone to come forward."

Powerful strength from the plains around the body, her snow skirt without wind and self-improvement, a blue silk like a waterfall, the face is still elegant, but reveals the power that people can not shake.

Bai Feng was also standing beside the plain clothes, and the light was firm and calm.

From the beginning to the end, the wind did not care about the battle behind him.

Even if the war behind her has set off a strong storm behind her, she still hasn't looked back, calmly feeding the broth in her hand to the father.

Xia Xia dragged her small head, her little face powder carved jade, full of radiant eyes and looked at the father.

"Mother, when can he wake up?"

The wind poured the soup from the last spoon and drunk him. He got up lightly: "Come on."

The words just fell, and a cough sounded loudly.

The old man coughed up a black blood, and inside the black blood, there was a white worm moving.

But soon, the wind blew, the worm turned into a white water, disappeared in front of the wind.

But this is not over...

The old man coughed harder, as if he had to cough up the entire lung.

At the beginning, he coughed very lightly, so it didn't attract too much attention.

But now, with the sound of the cough, everyone on the battlefield has a glimpse of it, all looking to the father.

Father, just... isn't it already dead?

He has not broken his breath?

These people in the South have a feeling for the old man. It is naturally gratifying to see him live.

Only Nanfang, a face of iron, eyes anger and murderous.

This **** old man is not dead! He deserves to be mad, why is it still alive!

However, even if he did not die this time, he could not live for a few days.

In the past few years, he has already let the poisonous insects all enter his stomach, absorbing all the spiritual power and nutrients of his body, and let him become thin and weak until he dies...

(End of this chapter)

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