The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1802: Father rehabilitation (six)

Chapter 1802 Father Rehabilitation (6)

"You waste, useless things!" Nanfang sneered, "What use is it for you to follow the clothes? Not only did the medicine not feed her, but she was even left behind by her!"

Nan Luo panicked and squatted on the ground: "Hey, I am wrong, I know it is wrong, I beg you to let me go..."

Nanfang directly smashed the past and turned the whole body of Nanluo to the ground. It was not his own daughter who was in front of him.

"Let you go? You are so useless, let me let you go?"

Nan Luo’s face was pale and terrible. She lowered her head and bit her lip.


Why didn't her aunt take her away when she left?

She clearly should know what the consequences of leaving her!

But she still left her behind...

Nan Luo’s hand clenched tightly and clenched her fists. Her eyes were full of resentment and unwillingness.

More infinite anger burns her heart.

Even if she was blamed by her mother, she was framed by her brother, and her father was not so chilling when he was playing.

But this abandonment, but let her all over the body, is also the first time... understand what hatred is.

She hates!

Good hate!

"Nan Luo, have you seen it?" Nanfang went to the front of Nanluo and looked down at her. "No matter how you help the plain clothes, she is so cool, it is impossible to care about you." ”

Nan Luo was scornful, and the eyes were full of hatred.

"So, what to do next, you should understand clearly!"

With the fall of Nanfang, Nanlu knew what he was going to do.

Her body was a little stiff and she closed her eyes slowly.

After half a ring, I opened my eyes.

Her eyes are no longer pitiful, but replaced by indifference.

"I understand……"

She understands what she should do.

"Do you know where they went to Suyi?" Nanfang asked coldly.

Nanlu’s fists were more and more forceful, licking a piece of dirt on the ground, letting the nails sink deep into the mud.

"I don't know, but I will find a way to find her."

She knows where the clothes will go.

After all... the wind is like the granddaughter of the world.

But she still has her own selfishness.

She hates plain clothes and the wind, but... can't hate any hatred of that man.

"Give you a month's time, bring the plain clothes to my face," Nanfang sneaked to Nanluo. "Even if the clothes are cool, you can help her, if she knows you have been miserable." And will not stop you, so..."

Nanfang hand stretched out, took out a long series, and slammed it on Nanluo's body.

The pain of heartbreaking lungs left Nanluo's cold sweat, and the tender body trembled, and the endless hatred filled her heart, so that she could not hide her hatred.

This is the case with Nanfang.

Only the more hated by Nanlu, will help him more and more!


It was a whip and he dripped the blood of Nanluo, and it was bruised and bruised.

Even some of the old families in the south can't stand it anymore.

Na Luo Lu is just a girl.

The girl is in the South, and there is no status at all.

Only use!

Nan Luo did not make a sound from start to finish.

She kept these pains in her mind!

Every time she fell with a whip, her hatred of Suyi was even more.


She has hated to lose her nature, and there is nothing more than hatred.


(End of this chapter)

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