The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1808: Father's anger (2)

Chapter 1808 Father's Fury (2)

Su Yi is awkward, obviously there is still some unwilling to believe.

Her eyes were blank and she was puzzled.

"Why is Nanfang so good to her, she wants to help the South? I don't understand!"

She really can't understand!

"Because, the power of the South is due to her, unless she can find her reason to abandon the power of the South, she will completely abandon the South."

When I heard this, Su Yi was silent.

She said this to Bai Feng at the time.

Nanlu does not leave the South, as long as she is in the South, she is still a tall Miss Nanda, can only suppress her only Nanfang couple, and a South African feather...

If she leaves the South, she is nothing!

"Hey, why did she help me before? Or even abandon Nanfang?" Suyi hesitated. "Is it impossible for Nanlu to want to mix my side for Nanfang? It’s not right, if it’s not you. The pot, and the existence of the sword spirit, we can't escape at all. A person who is so confident in Nanfang, if he has no choice, he will not do it."

At that time, Nanfang never thought that she could escape, and naturally she would not send Nanluo.

What was the reason why Nan Luo helped her at the beginning?

Suyi patted the brain hard, no matter how she thought, she couldn't think of the original purpose of Nanluo.

"Maybe you have something that she cares about." The wind shrugged his shoulders. "These are irrelevant things. What matters is that we have to keep her by the side, and watching her at all times is enough." ”

"It can only be like this."

Suyi sighed a little, and said: "Let's make me worry about you."

"No problem, who makes ... you are the plain clothes I like." The wind smiled like a smile.

From the first time I met Suyi in the same year, even after recognizing the identity of Suyi, she was doomed... for the mother’s lifelong worries...

Su Yi’s heart was warm and he held the hand of the wind: “I’m actually regretting marrying Muling, then I realized that everything is destined, because Muling, I can give birth to the South. String, because of the South String, there is, I have not hated him."


An old voice came from behind.

As the plains turned, I saw the old man take the door and walked slowly toward her.

He described it as a bit skinny, but it was much better than before, and even the voice was no longer weak, but it was a bit heavy.

"Hey, how come you are out?" Su Yi hurried to welcome him. "You haven't recovered yet, or just take a break."

Ms. Mu’s face is calm: “Who is the Mulling in your mouth? How can I not see the grandson of my grandson? What is he? Don’t tell me that I am dead.”

Suyi is somewhat embarrassed, and she looks for help from the wind.

The body of the old man has not fully recovered. If the father knows what happened to her in these years, it should be tempered.

The wind looked at the distressed look of the plain clothes. She took out a bottle of spirit liquid from the space and handed it to the nose of the father.

The cool breath is introduced into the tip of the nose, so that the father is refreshed and the whole person is very spirited.

"You can say it."

She looked at Suyi and said.

Su Yiyin’s mouth was pumping, and she sighed, “Hey, we are already away.”

And away?

The old man turned his eyes and almost fainted.

If it was not the feeling of coolness, I was afraid that he would fall down quite straight.

(End of this chapter)

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