The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1829: Let them get married? (One)

Chapter 1829 Let them get married? (One)

Nalan’s nephew was holding her eyes and staring at Zhang Tianlei.

Yes, this should not be her fault. What is wrong is these people...

"The housekeeper," Tianya said with a blank expression, "Take him to me to die, wait for him to die, then come to inform me, in addition, take a nephew to go to Tianfeng City, Zhang family who hurt her. One must not let go."


The housekeeper reveals respect.

Zhang Tianlei’s heart was already cold and thorough. Now he only twitched his mouth twice, his eyes filled with despair, but he could never say a word again...


Nalanjing felt that she had made a long dream.

In this dream, what appeared in front of his eyes was the smile of the girl.

Such a splendid, deeply engraved in his heart, became a memory that he could never erase...

Perhaps from the beginning of the encounter, there is a connection between him and her that can no longer be left behind.

It is also the person he is reluctant in this world.

"Nalan Cousin..."

A clear sound like a yellow scorpion sounded from Nalan's ear, and if it was separated by thousands of miles, it seemed to be in front of you.

"Small dump, Nalan cousin is not without it, why he has not woken up..."

This voice with a faint crying, let Nalan's heart also stunned, the pain is somewhat uncomfortable.

More cold liquid dripped on his hand and blended into his heart.

He wants to blink, raise his hand and wipe the tears for her, but he uses all his strength, but he still can't open it...

"It should wake up soon, Xiaoyin, you are here with your cousin, and I and Nanxian to see how Lingqi is."

Then came another familiar voice. After the words were dropped, the voice went further and further away.

Nalanjing felt that there was only one girl left in the entire room.

The girl's hand is warm and holds his big hand. The tone is full of grievances: "Mother is hurting to save me. I haven't woken up yet. Nalan cousin doesn't wake up. Cousin, you used to I have said that I want to protect me. There are too many wicked people on this continent. Everyone wants to kill me..."

"Oh, yes, they also said that they want to catch me to do something. I don't know what it is, but it sounds terrible. Nalan cousin, you don't wake up to protect me, I will follow those bad guys. gone."


Every word of the girl is like a hand, and the heart of Nalan's heart is pinched, and it is difficult for him to breathe.

Perhaps it was the anxiety and anger in his heart that made him open his eyes.

His voice was dry and hoarse, but with firmness.

"I won't let you go."

It was a smiling little face that caught his eyes.

Tang Yin plunged into the arms of Nalanjing, and pressed Nalan's net to spurt a blood.

After all, this is the monk who once sat down with a pig.

Tang Yin apparently did not encounter himself causing secondary damage to Nalan Net. She swept her big eyes and looked at him without hesitation: "Nalan cousin, what happened to you? Is the body still hurting?"

Nalan was a little breathless. However, looking at the girl’s smiling face, he finally couldn’t say this, and he screamed and said two words.


The man raised his hand and went to the tears of the girl’s eyes. The tone was a bit distressed: "Don’t cry later."

(End of this chapter)

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