Chapter 1836 is popular (1)

No return to the mainland.

In a remote old house.

In the courtyard, the juvenile backed the light breeze, the ink flew, the breeze lifted his clothes corner, his back was lonely and somewhat lonely.

"The son."

I don't know when, one person appeared behind the boy. After all, he reported after all: "Not long ago, someone went to Tianyafu to try to take away Miss Xiao, but she was found back as a lady, and no one has been looking for it recently. Their troubles."


The boy slowly turned around in the breeze, his face was beautiful, and the eyebrows had faded a lot of greens, but that smile was still the warmth.

Like the spring breeze.

"Recently, can she be okay?"

"In recent days, my wife is in good shape, but our people are afraid to rely on her too close, afraid of being discovered by her."

The boy lowered his throat and covered the dark mans that had passed away.

"Who was the one who wanted to take away the summer and summer?"

"Nine doors!"

Nine doors?

The young boy laughed out loud, and the laughter made people feel creepy.

"I know, you go ahead."

"Yes, son."

The guards retired.

The young man is stunned, his gaze gazing at this pure sky, among the clear watery eyes, flashing through the bones of the thoughts.

As if through this sky, I can see people who are in love with each other thousands of miles away.

"Dumping, if you know that I am here, and have not been looking for you, you can... angry?"

For two years, he used all his strength and courage before he went to her side.

Today, he is even less afraid to find her.

"But you can rest assured that I will not hurt your mother and daughter. In this life, you are my life, I will do everything, and it will not hurt you!"

The teenager dropped his throat, his lips sneered, and the whole person gave off a cold breath.

Nothing like the warmth of spring.

Suddenly, the boy's face was pale, his fingers were close to his heart, and the feeling of burning the fire made him feel like he was in hell, and he seemed to burn all of him.

His knees were like a heavy weight, and his left knee was heavy on the ground. He raised his head and made a loud noise. The infinite flame spread from his body and destroyed the surrounding trees.

"Wind son."

A wind-like shadow came from the side, anxiously walked to the side of the juvenile, she forced the young man's body, and her eyes were full of worry: "Wind son, I will help you to rest."

"Get out!"

The force of the push, pushed the girl to the side.

A sly, she fell to the ground, raised her pale face, tears in her eyes, and stubbornly did not fall.

"Wind son, you know clearly..." The girl stood up from the ground, raised her hand and wiped away the tears, and smiled bitterly. "I know that you can't be angry now, otherwise it will be bad for your body."

She has been popular for two years.

On weekdays, the boy was indifferent to inhumanity and never had a smile.

But when he mentions a person, he will have joys and sorrows.

Such feelings will undoubtedly make him more real...

But... If it is going on for a long time, his body will inevitably be seriously damaged.

"I will help you to rest."

The girl walked slowly to the side of the wind and held his arm again. Her gaze was firm and she looked straight at him.

"I let you roll!"

The wind raised his hand and pushed the girl away again.

(End of this chapter)

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