Chapter 1849 Changes (2)

Chapter 1232 Changes (2)

"I don't mean this. I mean, we two... can we spend the rest of our lives?" Nalan's expression was tangled and awkward, some twisted and pinched, and a white face was glowing with red light. Tang Yin’s eyes are full of tension.

Tang was angered: "Nalan, I didn't think you were such a person! Where are you sorry for Xiao Ting? You have to get rid of her? I really misread you."

"..." Nalan's face was frozen.

He looked at Tang Yin’s angry face, and he panicked and hurriedly grabbed her hand: “I don’t mean this, I mean...”

Tang concealed: "No explanation! If you don't want to fall down, then I don't want you anymore."

She angered Nalan's hand and turned away.

Nalan's heart became more and more flustered, and once again raised his hand and caught Tang Yin's hand.

This time, when Tang Yin was unable to prevent it, he was slammed over and slammed into his thick chest.

At that moment, Tang Yin’s entire body was stiff and unable to move.

The man is so close to her, so close to the breath of the other party can feel the clear.

In this life, she has never had any close contact with any man. Even if she lives in Nalan for so long, they are all responsible for their duties and there is no overstep.

I don't know why...

In Nalan's chest, she didn't even breathe smoothly, her face was red, and she quickly lifted her hand and pushed him away.

She squinted at Nalan, and her expression was fierce, as if she could cover up her inner panic.

Subsequently, Tang Yintou did not return, and never looked at Nalanjing again, as if flying had disappeared in front of Nalanjing.

Nalan net stared at the shadow of Tang Yin’s departure and bowed his head and smiled. It seems that this time, he completely angered Xiao Yin, and in the future... I am afraid there will be no chance.


Tang Yin walked in a hurry, her hand stroking the pink cheeks, only to find out when the cheeks were already hot.


Suddenly, a happy voice came from the front.

When Tang Yin was carrying it, the purpose was to stand at the door and wait for her thousand condensation.

Qian Ning’s hands still hold a big red wedding dress, and she is staring at her with the bucking eyes of the committee.

"Thousands of condensate, what are you doing here?" Tang hidden his eyes and doubts, and immediately his eyes fell on the wedding dress in the hands of Qian Ning. "I have tried this dress for He Lianyue. Why are you still taking it?"

The condensate of the thousand condensate contains the inner sputum, and wipes the tears from the corners of the eyes.

Miss, sorry.

There is no way for slaves.

If the slave does not follow the princess's instructions, she will definitely drive the young lady out of the house. At that time, the young lady will be more sad.

and so……

She can only violate the wishes of the lady.

Thousands of condensed on the first two steps, holding the hand of Tang Yin: "Miss, let the slaves serve you to change clothes."

"Is there any problem with this wedding dress?" Tang Yin did not think much, smiled. "Then try again. Anyway, Helianyue is also the person of Tianyafu, helping her to help Xiaopeng."


Thousands of sighs sighed.

Miss is really a brain, so it is much easier to do, at least, do not need to use tough means.

"Let's go, miss."

Qian Ning looked back at the end of the sky, and she turned and took Tang Yin’s hand slowly toward the room...

(End of this chapter)

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