Chapter 1851 Changes (4)

"Who are you?" The man's voice was cold and asked with a blank expression.

Nan Luo smiled and said: "Suyi is my aunt."

Nalan’s eyes flashed through, and there were prostitutes in the clothes?

Why did he not come to the End of the World for so long?

It is not that Nalanjing has forgotten her, but the yard of Nanluo is relatively remote. In the corner, as for other people... they have forgotten her, and Nalan will naturally not know her.


Out of courtesy, Nalan Net still responded with a touch of faintness, and looked cold: "What is it that you come to me?"

"Nalan son, I know that you are not happy now, but how happy it is, this is all arranged by the wind girl."

Nalan Net: "..."

Listening to this, it seems that Xiaoyue’s marriage is arranged by the cousin?

Can not help but look at the South Luo in front of him, Nalanjing's eyes flashed a clear disgust.

Obviously, he did not have any good feelings for the woman who made irresponsible remarks in front of him.

Nanlu seems to have noticed the emotions of Nalanjing. She smiled and said: "Nanlan, even if you are not happy now, you can only obey her arrangement? The wind girl is the master of the world, you are a cousin, but also an outsider. Nothing."

Nalan's face is expressionless: "What do you want to say, you don't have to bend around."

"Nalan son, what I want to tell you is..." Nanlu’s eyes sank and faintly said, “The wind girl is a good intention! Even if she forced the will of others, she is kind enough, and hopes Nalan Don't blame her."

Nalanjing flashed a cold man's eye, and he approached Nanlu for two steps.

"I don't know why you are a prostitute, why come to me and provoke, but... I believe in my cousin! You come to me to make irresponsible remarks, no use!"

Nanlu’s face changed slightly and he bowed his head: “I don’t mean this, I’m just...”

"What is it?"

"I just watched Nalan, you are in a bad mood, I want to comfort you," Nan Luo clenched his fist and slowly raised his head. "After all, you don't want to marry a girl, she is so arranged, you are in the heart." It is also normal to complain."

Nalan was in a footstep and stopped at only ten meters in front of Nanluo.

His body was stiff, and some looked up unbelievably, staring at Nanluo.

"What did you say?"

Nan Luo looked at Nalanjing stunnedly. It’s hard to be... He just didn’t vent it for this? He still doesn't know?

"I just heard the next person say that she arranged for you to marry Tang girl, only you are still buried in the drum."

Nan Luo bit his teeth and said.

Nalan is dull.

Immediately, a burst of ecstasy poured into my heart, causing his heart to tremble with excitement.

Tang Yin wants to get married... is he?

The cousin arranged for the person... is he also?

In the beginning, he thought he was wrong and misunderstood Tang Yin?

This surprise came too suddenly. Suddenly, the whole person was paralyzed. I don't know what reaction to use to face it.

"Nalan son?" Nan Luo looked puzzled at Nalan.

Her voice made Nalanjing slow down, and his handsome face raised a smile.

If you haven't met the South String, perhaps... this clean and pure laugh will make Nanluo feel excited.

Unfortunately, when I met such a perfect man, other people... would not appear in her eyes again.

(End of this chapter)

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