The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1865: The wind is like a thing (5)

Chapter 1865, the wind is like a thing (5)

This time, after saying this, Qiu Hui turned decisively and walked outside the study.

Her pace is firm and she has an unquestionable choice.

At the beginning, she was owed to the end of the world.

Xia Xia is her own birth.

She spent two years in Tianya, and she spent two years with Xia Xia...

Therefore, she was so angry after learning that Huiyue was going to take away summer and summer.

There are a lot of people in the Nine Gates, but no one is standing on her side.

She was just a person, could not press so many people, and was eventually forced to stay within the nine doors.

Originally, she came to Huihui this time. She is going to persuade and rob others of her own daughter. It is a bad line of anger between the gods and the gods.


What she heard was the news that the End of the World is about to be destroyed!

Hui Yue looked at Qiu Hui’s departure and did not stop it.

After all, it is most important to save the life of the pool now.

What's more, those people in Tianyafu are the relatives of Chiyou. He naturally does not want to let her relatives disappear into the world. He just wants to let Chiyou come to the Nine Gates to receive the best training...

Qiu Hui left the nine doors unimpeded.

She did not look back, her gaze looked at the sky not far away.

The body shape flashed, it has already appeared in the high altitude of Baizhang.

End of the world, summer and summer, you must wait for me.

I will never let the End of the World be destroyed!


Outside the city gate.

The wind was so swaying that she could not support it.

Can see her eyes on her shoulders, Tang Yin, her heart has been firm.

In any case, Tang Yin can not be injured.

"Shantou, you'd better put down the little girl in your hand, otherwise, I am afraid that you will die here today, hahaha!"

The laughter in front was harsh, and the long-term shock was above the sky.

From night to dawn, then from dawn to night...

It has been five days and five nights.

Whether it is the battle in the End of the World, or the interception at the gate, it has not ended.

The wind swept the blood of the lower corner of the mouth, and the body was awkward. She put the sword in her hand on the ground and looked firm.

"Are you OK?"

The little soul descended from the void, falling in front of the wind, and there was a rare worry in the eyebrows.

At the beginning, he was shut down by the wind in the black sword, and he was still looking for a living, but he tried his best to get out of her control.

But now...

Perhaps it is a long time, and gradually lost, or because of the silver crown snake king, but the attitude of the little soul has changed a lot.

When the wind turned to look at the little soul, he only lowered his throat and asked him with a soul. "Fuchen, if I am dead, will he fly away?"

The voice inside the soul is hoarse, I don't know if I cry.

"will not……"

"Oh, all right."

The wind laughed like a smile.

As soon as she lifted her hand, she took the black sword back and stuffed it into the space with her little soul.

Until now, she still has a problem that cannot be changed.

Every time they encounter danger, they do not care about the wishes of Fuchen and Qinghan, and force them into space.

So, this time, after discovering the danger, she shut them up.

Especially after her strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, the control of space has become more and more convenient. Without her consent, Fuchen and Qinghan cannot leave the space one step.

"Qinghan, Fuchen, you are very safe in the space, maybe after a thousand years, after ten thousand years, you will meet other masters, then you will be able to come out."

Ps: I am still writing

(End of this chapter)

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