The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1900: The Change of the Spirit Beast Mountain (2)

Chapter 1900: The Change Of The Spirit Beast Mountain Range (2)

Spirit Beast Mountains.

No longer the first vitality.

The whole spirit beast mountain looks desolate.

The Hua Leopards followed Feng Yan into this place again, and they were quite sad.

After all, this spirit beast mountain range has been where they have lived for many years, but now it has become so desolate and lifeless.

From a distance, they noticed countless powerful forces hiding in this mountain range of spirit beasts, and everyone could not help slowing down.

As for why Feng Ruqing came this time, he would bring Hua Leopard and other flower leopards, because they are more familiar with the terrain of the spirit beast mountain range and are more convenient to walk.

"Father of the Nan family and I mentioned before, Nanfang used a powder to make the spirit beast lose his mind, and finally he obeyed him."

"If I'm not mistaken ..." Feng Ru squinted his eyes, "He should be a powder made from a root called the Wraith Tree."

The ecstasy tree is an ancient tree growing in the deepest part of the Spirit Beast Mountains.

It is reported that anyone close to the Wraith Tree will be affected and lose his mind.

Although Feng Ruqing doesn't know how Nanfang got this fascinating tree, she has a way to crack it.

"I have prepared some elixir here, and I will use the elixir to boil the soup later, Ahua, if you can find a way to bring in all the beasts and let them take the elixir, they will be able to wake up Not to mention what happened to the Spirit Beast Mountains. I am afraid only these Spirit Beasts are the clearest. "

"Okay, master."

Ah Hua gave a good response and left with Leopards.

The wind poured out the pots, pans, and pans, and lit the tree with a branch to place the pot on top of the branch.

Nanxian and Tianya and others stood quietly beside him, listening to the surrounding movement.

The spirit beast mountain range, now only the sound of the wind roaring, but the powerful force that oppresses people, has never dispersed.

Time goes by.

The faint scent came out of the pot, with the smell of medicine.

Not far away, a sound of rushing footsteps came, screaming with wolf and tiger.

The wind looked up, and saw the leopard races running in front of them, behind them a group of spirit beasts.

The beasts were fierce, with cruel red light in their eyes, and opened their mouths to bite.

Fortunately, the leopards were fast, and they avoided it when they bite.

The wind is ashamed.

She asked the flower leopard to bring in the spirit beast. It seemed that the method was not friendly.

She always felt that these spirit beasts could not wait to tear the leopard ...


When the beasts approached, a scent of fragrance forced them to stop.

Nanjia is very angry.

Because they believe that these spirit beasts have been deceived of their minds and can never betray them.

Plus there are too many beasts.

Therefore, they rarely feed spirit beasts. Most of them let them eat tree leaves and fruits in the wild.

Therefore, when smelling this seductive aroma, all the spirit beasts walked towards the cauldron involuntarily ...

A wolf runs fastest.

The wolf looks a bit like a snow wolf.

The moment I saw the wolf, Feng Ruqing felt that he missed the snow wolf a little.

This time is so long apart, I don't know if Snow Wolf has stolen all the elixir she planted in Princess House.

The wolf rushed straight into the cauldron, sticking out his tongue and licking the potion soup in the pan frantically.

The cute one behaves like a dog.

Other spirit beasts did not dare to show weakness. They were fighting for the battle, fearing that they would be robbed of it later.

(End of this chapter)

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