Chapter 1903: Come To Your Own

Nan Luo ticked the corners of her lips, and a sneer waved on her lips.

Nanfang, this time, I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity.

I will firmly grasp this opportunity and will not let go!


Spirit Beast Mountain, as always quiet.

But this time, the pressure has gradually eased a lot compared to before.

The spirit beasts all over the mountain followed Feng Feng's side, and the ferocity in their eyes receded a lot.

"This should be the last wave."

The wind frowned, "We have almost restored these spirit beasts these days. Why hasn't anyone in the Nan family come yet?"

If these spirit beasts are important to the Nan Family, Nan Fang is afraid to have come to stop it.

Unfortunately, no!

Since that day, she has never met anyone from the Nan family.

Nanxuan walked slowly to the windy side: "I don't know what kind of ghost the Nan family is doing, but they must do so because they do it. We'd better be careful.


The wind nodded, and his eyes turned to the spirit beasts in front of him.

"Before we came, did anyone from the Nan family come to the Spirit Beast Mountains?"

These spirit beasts are not low in strength and are able to spit out words, so when they heard the wind beating, a wolf opened his mouth slowly.

"The people in the Nan family haven't been to the Spirit Beast Mountains, but I vaguely remember that they seem to keep us guarding something."


"I also don't know. That kind of thing is in the depths of the mountains. We never went in. People in the Nan family didn't allow us to enter."

Deep down?

The wind swept towards the horizon: "Let's go and see?"

"Okay," Tianya nodded heavily, "I also want to know, what exactly is in the depths of the Spirit Beast Mountains!"

"Well," Feng Ru dignified his eyes, "Although these spirit beasts have recovered their intellect, there are many traps in the spirit beast mountains. We set off again during the day and are prone to fall at night."

Some of the traps were covered by Nanjia, and before that, each spirit beast had branches in various places and rarely walked outside. Therefore, it is not realistic to rely on these spirit beasts alone.

The best way is to set off for the day so she can see the trap.

"In the spirit beast mountains, it is indeed safer during the day than at night, then we will continue to camp for one night and continue tomorrow."

Not many people they brought this time.

In addition to Feng Ruqing's family, only Tang Yin and the wind are clear, and there are several good guards.

Soon the guards had taken care of the tent, and stood side by side respectfully waiting.

It's getting late.

The night on the Spirit Beasts was quiet.

Tianya had just taken a rest, and suddenly his ears moved, and his eyes opened instantly.


His voice was cold and he attracted everyone's attention.

Suddenly, a laugh came from behind.

Tian Ya turned his head and looked, and in an instant, he saw an old man walking slowly.

This old man was followed by a little girl, who was exquisitely beautiful and well-behaved.

Behind him was a group of masters, all of whom were not weak, all staring at Tianya and others with stern eyes.

Tianya shook his fist and sneered, "I'm busy dealing with the Nan family these days. I haven't found any time for you to settle accounts with you. I didn't expect you to come to your door!"

Lord Grey Goose smiled: "Tianya, I haven't seen you for a long time. Your temper is still so bad. This time I didn't come to argue with you. I came for my daughter. We will talk about something later."

ps: today

(End of this chapter)

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