The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1910: She is Nanluo (4)

Chapter 1910: She Is Nan Luo (4)

"Are there anyone besides us in this beast mountain? We didn't do it for you, was it because I couldn't make it?" Greylag yelled angrily.

"Maybe you did it." Tianya raised his eyebrows, his tone was arrogant.

After hearing the quarrel between the two, the wind came out slowly.

What she saw at one glance was Nan Luo, whose face was broken.

It is estimated that I overheared the corner last night, but the fall was not light, and it was still the kind of face, otherwise it would not be so miserable.

Nanxian was expressionless and indifferent, and his indifferent gaze swept over Nanluo, frowning slightly.

It seems too light to start yesterday ...

"Grandpa," Feng Ru leaped beside Tianya, looked at Nanluo with surprise, "When yesterday and Nanxian were about to go to sleep, someone hiding from the corner of the corner, Nanxian didn't hold back. If she does, can she be the one? "

Gray Goose's face was iron and blue: "What are you talking about? How could my daughter do such a thing?"

"Oh," Feng Ruqing was distressed. "Then I don't know. Gray You, what do you say?"

Nan Luo's mouth twitched. Her heart was angry, she didn't dare to reveal her face, and smiled, "Dad, I couldn't sleep last night. I want to go out and see if I can find some memories. I accidentally fell and fell. It was really not the people of Tianyafu. I went to Tianyafu last night.

Grey Goose looked at Nan Luo and frowned. "Really?"

He didn't believe it. How could his daughter fall like this?

"Dad, I am true."

Nan Luo turned her eyes to look at the wind, and used her eyes to signal how she was thinking yesterday.

Feng Ru smiled slightly, and nodded lightly.

Seeing her action, Nan Luo understood her meaning, and she turned her head and looked at the grey goose with a smile.

"And, I did think of something after the abduction yesterday."

The grey goose froze, and his mood was a joy, and he couldn't care about finding the end of the world, so he quickly held down Nan Luo's shoulder.

"Yuer, do you really think about it? Tell Dad, who kidnapped you, Dad will never let them go!"

Nan Luo's gaze was blank, she was lost in thought, Xu was thinking hard.

"I vaguely remember that I was dragged into a dark room that day. That dark room was terrible. I didn't have anyone except me. I stayed there for a few days before I heard someone stumble. , That person calls him the owner. "

"It's Nan. My surname is Nan!"

Nan Luo raised her head in a hurry. She may have suffered a lot in the past few years, leaving tears of fear on the spot.

"She said she would use me to threaten Jiumen!"

"Yuer, how did you escape?" The grey goose's heart twitched, hurting so much that it was impossible to extricate itself, and more of that endless anger.

"He gave me the medicine and said that after I took the medicine, he would follow their command line and then he would be able to put me back. In fact, I did not take that medicine because I knew that once I took it, Like the spirit beasts, I will only obey Nan's orders. "

"I don't know anything else."

Nan Luo's body was shaking, her face was covered with tears, her eyes were frightened.

The grey geese's anger surged and gritted his teeth: "Southern House !!!"

Turned out to be South!

He had long known about Nanjia Langzi's ambitions, but did not expect to move his idea to his daughter's head!

ps: I'm finally stuck today to complete today's update. I will continue to write after the early morning.

(End of this chapter)

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