The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1925: Back to Cangyue Continent (7)

Chapter 1925 Back to Cangyue Continent (7)

"My granddaughter has been away for many years. It's been so long. I don't know if she gave birth to a boy or a girl. Her Majesty naturally needs to work hard to cultivate, so that he can find the Emperor and the Qing Dynasty. You can only leave everything to you. "

Nalan Changgan was silent.

More than Her Royal Highness, even Jinger and Daier chased Tang Yin's girl and ran away for years.

"Dad," Captain Nalan suddenly said, "Do you think they can still come back?"

Older Nalan hesitated, dragged another shoe down, and threw it to Nalan Changgan.

"What nonsense? Naturally they can come back and talk nonsense, I can't smoke you and I believe you!"

Nalan Changgan leaned over his side, avoiding the shoes thrown by the old man, and twitched the corner of his mouth, which turned into a helpless sigh.

"Dad, I'm not alarmist. After all, she's gone too long ... Wasn't the Emperor too so missing? I haven't come back for many years, I really thought the Emperor had passed away ..."

At the beginning, everyone thought Tianya had died, and only Fengtian Yuyi knew the truth.

But no matter what, if the horizon is gone for many years, if I can come back, I am afraid that I will have come back long ago.

Father Nalan also became silent, he understood that Nalan Changgan was telling the truth.

If I can come back, I am afraid that I am back early ...

"You just have to deal with your Majesty's death. These are not what you worry about. Besides ... I'm always upset and always feel what's going to happen. Recently I will pay a little attention to the outside movement and you will be ready."

"it is good."

Nalan Changgan did not have a fight with Mr. Nalan. Rather, the thought of the old guy would leave him alone and leave everything to him, and there was nowhere in his heart to let out the fire.



Gu family.

Within the courtyard.

Gu Yiyi sat on the rockery, holding her cheeks in her hands, watching the sky quietly.

"One by one," Gu Shi did not know when he appeared behind Gu Yiyi, sighed softly, and asked, "You are not too young. Father and Mu Mu discussed, your marriage with Mu Qingyu ... ... "

Gu Yiyi pouted, "Don't marry."

"..." Gu Shi twitched slightly. "Don't you want to be a second wife to Nanxian? Don't marry Mu Qingyan, for fear that Nanxian won't let you enter Mu family."

"Xiao Qing didn't return. I'm not married. I have to wait for her to come back to my wedding."

Gu Yi lowered his eyes, and grumbled with grievances.

Xiao Qing has left for so long, why not come back?

Even Tang Yin was gone.

Tang Yin must be chasing Xiao Duan, leaving her here alone.

"If so, won't she come back?"

Gu Shi asked cautiously.

Ever since Feng Ruqing left a few years ago, it has never appeared again, and no one knows exactly where she went.

The Gu family didn't send someone to find it, but he searched the whole continent and didn't find her ...


Like Tianya, can't she come back?

Gu Shi sighed a little, thinking a little sad, why a girl such as Feng Feng is gone.

His daughters fell in love with each other.

"Then I won't marry my whole life, I have to wait for the young to come back."

Gu Yiyi's feet dangled under the rockery, dragging his cheeks with innocence. ,

"Besides, Nanxian's fox won't return, and Mu's family won't get married."

(End of this chapter)

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