The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1965: Fighting (seventeen)

Chapter 1965 Fighting (seventeen)

He was cold and impulsive.

Nanxian raised her arms in the wind and held her behind.

Face yourself to Muichi.


At the moment when Mu Yi was close to Nanxian, the wind rushed forward, and in a moment, the powerful power spread from her whole body, facing Mu Yi face to face.

"That is……"

Mu Yi looked at the white light in the wind with a shock.

The white light contained a powerful force that forced his steps back a few steps.

The power was a bit familiar, and it made him palpitate.

Just like the woman who scared him thousands of years ago.

Emperor Jiu!

"No, you did not restore Jiu Di's strength, but you have Jiu Di's spiritual power!" Mu Yi gritted his teeth, his eyes were complicated.

It is a pity that he is now a soul body. If there is an entity, his strength will be further enhanced, maybe ...

Even if Feng Ruqian carries the spiritual power of the nine emperors, as long as she is not the nine emperors, there is no need to be afraid.

Mu Yi stared at Nanxian, and finally closed it.

Anyway, this guy is Nan Changfeng!

Can't win!

Otherwise, it will be easy for him to bite back.

Suddenly, a voice came from not far away and fell into everyone's ears.

"Pour it!"

The wind tilted her head, her eyes cast away, and what fell into her eyes was a red suit.

Tianya was pouring towards the wind, his speed was fast, and his face was anxious.

Mu Yi's eyes darkened.

This guy seems to be a grandfather like a wind.

He didn't think about catching this guy before, but why can't he go to this place except the Nan house? This palace is not exposed to light.

However, Nanfang's strength is weaker, and it is difficult to capture this guy. He can only step back and go to Cangyue mainland to find the father of Jiudi.

Unexpectedly, now this guy came to his door.

Mu Yi's mouth had a satirical smile on his face, and he flew towards Tianya with a flickering figure.

"Come on!"

The wind slumped, his face anxiously yelled.

Unfortunately, it is too late, Mu Yi is faster, and when he sees it, he will run into the shape of Tianya ...

At this moment, a faster figure came from behind Tianya. He couldn't stop. The whole person stood in front of Tianya and could only watch the powerful force crash into him. body……

The whole world is silent.

Feng Ruqing looked at Nanfang, which appeared out of thin air, and looked at the terrifying end of the world, his mouth slightly drawn.

Rebirth of a house does not mean that when you encounter it, you can lose a house. It requires cohesion.

Once this power is condensed, it can never be recovered.

When Mu came back for a while, he found that he had taken Nanfang away, and suddenly he was furious, and his eyes flashed with anger.


This **** Nanfang, if it were not for him, I am afraid he would not have made such a mistake!

The wind was pouring, she paused and said, "Actually, this Nanfang's body is also very suitable for you ..."

Makiichi: "..."

He hated his teeth, and if Nanfang's soul was in front of him, he had a feeling of tearing him to pieces.

Whatever mistake has been made, he has no chance to reverse it, and can only acquiesce to this body.

"No matter what kind of body, I can finally live, Jiudian, when you killed me like this, today is when I settle accounts with you!"


In an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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