The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1974: Fighting (twenty-six)

Chapter 1974 Fighting (26)

These people are stronger than those before them.

It's so powerful that it's no longer they can resist.

"Tian Yu."

Nalan ran up to Feng Tianyu's side in a panic, and helped him up from the ground, looking at Nan Yue's gaze with vigilance.

They understand that once they step out of the formation, it will be a dead end.

Behind them, there are countless people from the Nan family, leaving them nowhere to go.

It is impossible to return to the matrix again ...

"court death!"

Nanyue did not expect that Feng Tianyu would take the lead in this case. His eyes were cold, he went towards Feng Tianyu, and kicked him.

Feng Tianyu couldn't escape, he could only watch this foot.

At this moment, Nalan Yan quickly blocked Feng Tianyu's body, stretched out two arms, and protected him behind him.

With a blue silk flying, the woman's face was more firm.


When that foot landed on Nalan's chest, Nalan's mouth sprayed blood, and he leaned back.

She was pale and determined.

"Go fuck!"

Seeing that Nalanda was hurt, the old man could no longer control it.

Regardless of Mu's obstruction, he immediately headed outside the city gate.

Grandpa Mu couldn't stop it. After a while, he turned to look at Mu Qingyu: "Qingyu. This old man doesn't want to live, so you stay in Liuyun country and help the boy of Nalan family well. "

Mu Qingxi Weiwei: "Father, you ..."

Mr. Mu laughed bitterly: "If I hide in fear of death, fear of Su Yi and dumplings, they will come back, I will face them in shame."

"not only that."

Gu Shi did n’t know when he was in the sky, and smiled and looked at Mu Qingyu: "I gave them one by one, and she is asleep now and won't come out to make trouble, boy, my daughter will give it to you later , You have to treat her well, do n’t let her cry, do n’t hurt her heart, otherwise I just crawl out of **** and I will ask for your life. ”

"Gu Fuzhu, you ..."

Mu Qinglian's face changed slightly, Qing Jun's face was worried: "You still ..."


Gu Shi smashed in the past and stunned Mu Qingyu directly.

Mu Qingyu fell to the ground, his eyes closed.

"This kid will do bad things," Gu Shi smiled helplessly. "Let him sleep first, and when he wakes up, it will be over. Father, let's go. I have been blessed by the wind. There is no way regardless of."

Mr. Mu nodded his head slightly, and he turned to look at those who were moving in Liuyun.

His heart sank.

"Yes, I know that once there was a battle in Liuyun State, it was you and Father Nalan who fought side by side that finally allowed Liuyun country to survive, but this time the enemy is different from usual, and everyone who goes out will die. Sincerely, you have to wait for them to stop guarding the country of Liuyun instead of giving it away for nothing. "

A word from Mr. Mu calmed down those who were about to move.

Even the soldiers of Nalan's family also grasped the sword in their hands and looked at the people outside the city gate with that sad look.

They understood that if this battle had gone, it must have been killed.

If there were countless deaths and injuries in Liuyun Country, the foundation would be severely damaged. At that time, it would no longer be able to protect this country.

Therefore, in order to save their strength, they are no longer moving.

(End of this chapter)

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