Chapter 1984 Fighting (36)

Five years.

She has been waiting and never gave up.

She didn't wait for five years.

She has time to think, even if the mother kisses them again, they should be back in five years.

Unless they have another baby, don't want her ...

But every time she sees Qiu Hui receiving the letter from Grandpa Zeng, she will understand when she is in a bad mood one day.

Mother and father, something must have happened, so there is no way to return ...

"You bullshit!"

Xia Xia hurriedly approached Nan Luo, her little face with anger: "My mother and father will come back to pick me up, they will!"

"Sister Qing Han and Brother Fuchen will come back!"

Her expression was irritated, and even if something had been vaguely clear in her mind, she would never admit it.

As long as she doesn't admit it, she can believe that they will return sooner or later.

Nan Luo's expression was sorrowful: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't tell you this, His Holiness made the entire nine gates shut up, so you don't know, I can't bear to keep you waiting alone Will tell you ... "

The grief on her face did not falsify.

The thought of Nanxuan's death in the spirit beast mountain range, her heart tingled slightly.

She never thought that Nanxian would really lose her life in the spirit beast mountains.

If I had known, she would persuade him to leave when she was in the Spirit Beast Mountains that day.

Why is it like trying to kill yourself and drag others on?

If she wants to die, she should go alone!

"To shut up!"

Xia Xia was so angry that he slaped him severely on Nan Luo's face.

Her palms were small, but this slap took a lot of effort, and Nan Luo's entire face became red and swollen.

Since coming to Jiumen, she has never been so aggrieved, and her anger burst into her heart. However, she thought of Jiumen's love for Xia Xia, and she suppressed her anger again.


She lowered her eyes and whispered guiltily.


Xia Xia held her small head, and the whole person squatted down. Her distraught voice circulated over the entire nine gates and remained for a long time.

When Qiu Hui arrived, she just saw Xia Xia curled up and shivered, her face was pale.

Too distressing.

Qiu Hui flashed in shape, quickly reached Xia Xia's side, and embraced her.

Hold her tightly.

"Xia Xia, what happened?"

Xia Xia let go of her hand.

Her small body was as thin as a gust of wind.

Tears hang on a small face, pitiful.

"Aunt Qiu, when will your mother be back?"

Qiu Hui's heart flickered, holding Xia Xia's body tightly: "They will be back soon."

"Really?" Xia Xia raised her eyes.

There was no light in those eyes.

"Five years, my mother and father have been away for five years, but they have never returned ... Just now this woman told me that my mother and father were dead. They died in the spirit beast mountains. Aunt Qiu, tell me, Madam, are they really gone? Tell me! "

Xia Xia's tears fell, and her voice was stern: "Although I am young, I am not easy to lie. Every time Aunt Qiu receives a letter, I feel sad and sad. I see it, but ... As long as I don't think about it, as long as I believe my mother and father will come back, they will definitely come back. "

"But ... this woman told me that they were dead, never wanted me again, and would never come back."

(End of this chapter)

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