The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1999: Grey Goose's Fury

Chapter 1999 Anger of Grey Goose

"Mr. Qiu Hui said before, you are Nanluo of the Nan family."

Tang Yin sneered and looked at Nan Luo in front of him.

Nan Luo's heart beat, a flash of confusion flashed in her eyes, and she bit her lip tightly.

Why would Tang Yin know this?

No, it's wrong. Is it that Supreme Master Qiu Hui has noticed that she is not Gray You?

Nan Luo clenched her fists tightly, a light flashed under her eyes, she got up from the ground, and rushed towards Xia Xia.

This time Xia Xia wasn't fascinated, and she quickly kicked her.

Regardless of the small girl's small size, the strength of this foot is not small, and she turned Nanluo directly.

Tang Yin was furious, and this **** shot Xia Xia repeatedly. It seemed that he couldn't stay.

Don't know what conspiracy the **** will think of then.

and so……

Tang Yin raised his hand and held the sword in his hand. His figure was like the wind, and he hurried toward Nanluo.

The long sword in his hand was cold and sharp, sharp.

But Nanluo looked at Tang Yin who was in front of her. She was not afraid, as if all this was already expected, and her lips could not help but sneer.

Seems conspiratorial.

When Tang Yin had just arrived in front of Nanluo, a furious voice came from the sky, with anger.



Suddenly, a powerful force suddenly fell on Tang Yin's chest. Her entire body fell backwards, and a blood spurted out of her mouth. The delicate face was a little pale.

"Aunt Tang."

Xia Xia was so horrified that he hurried to Tang Yin's side, his eyes filled with worries and concerns: "Aunt Tang, do you hurt?"

Tang Yin looked at Xia Xia's small appearance, and at the heart of Microsoft, no more pain disappeared.

"I'm fine, it doesn't hurt."

Tang Yin took Xia Xia into her arms and looked up at the old man from the void.

The grey goose's old face was raging slowly from the void with anger.

His murderous intensity spread across the mountain.


The moment she saw the grey goose, Nan Luo's tears flowed from her eyes, full of panic.

"I know it's wrong, I really know it's wrong, I shouldn't have told the maiden that day about her mother's death. I have paid for my actions."

"But why, why haven't they let me go? They came here to hunt me down, Dad, I really knew something wrong ... I shouldn't be troubled, just ask the maiden to let me go, I don't want to die . "

Looking at her daughter's look of such panic, Grey Goose's heart was even more angry.

Obviously it was just a trivial matter, and Nanchi was not harmed in any way.

Qiu Hui's unreasonable punishment of Yuer by criminal law is enough. Why did he lock up his daughter and not let her leave this mountain step?

But these people still let her go!

Even when he was no longer, he came to hunt his daughter.

This is his only daughter, a man who works hard and lives to protect.

Damn it!

All those who wish to touch her daughter are damned.

Besides, it was true that Yuer had made a mistake. What did she do wrong this time? Bully her to such an extent! !! !!

"I don't care if you are the granddaughter of the End of the World, or the sage we identified as our nine gates," Gray Goose looked up at Xia Xia, expressionless, "I only know that when I moved my daughter, I would not let go of it Even if the last nine gates would let me pay you my life, I acknowledged it! But now, I must avenge my daughter and never allow anyone to bully her like that! "

(End of this chapter)

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