Chapter 818 Dinner (7)

But is she not a **** man?

I heard that after she returned this time, she never made a step. They thought she was fatter and didn't dare to go out.

I didn't expect it now... why did she become so beautiful?

"Baby daughter."

When I saw Gu Yiyi’s moment, Gu’s expression was melted, and the expression was unprecedentedly gentle.

"Hey, who told you to drive her out, who told you to drive her out!" Gu Yiyi quickly exploded.

If she did not inadvertently come to the front yard, she did not know that Xiao Pan had come to the Tenjin House in order to find her.

The awful thing is that my old lady actually wants to drive away her!


Also said that she would look for a small dump for her.

con man!

Gu Shi’s expression stiffened a bit, and he coughed twice: “You listen to me, I am just...”

He didn't have time to finish his words. Gu Yiyi didn't look at him any more. The whole person floated in front of the wind and excitedly extended his arm.

The wind is still sinking, and a beautiful girl is giving her arms. Is she accepting or rejecting it?

But her body has made an honest response -

Without hesitation, he stretched out and took Gu Yiyi out.

Well, for a woman she doesn't know, her body is still under natural defense and completely out of her control.

Gu Yiyi wrestled, looking at the girl standing under the moonlight, and then looking at Luo Li standing beside her, my heart was sour, tears almost fell.

Sure enough, Xiaopeng has a new love outside.

Abandon her and Xiaoyin.

"Come on!" Gu began an anxious rush to go up and lifted Gu Yiyi from the ground, and was furious. "Give this gimmick to me..."

Gu Yiyi bowed to Gu Shi: "You try to move her, I will leave home and never come back again!"


Not waiting for the beginning of the reaction, Gu Yiyi seems to be like a little monkey, she went to the side of the wind, and the committee looked at her with a curse: "Xiao, you obviously boast I am so cute, why do you dislike me after I lose weight?"

Do you like fat people?

So, does she have to work hard to get back to two hundred and five?

The wind is stunned with a sigh of relief: "You are..."

Gu Yiyi’s expression was completely unsettled, and a face was crying and tears fell. “I am Gu Yiyi.”

Gu Shi is the most unforgettable expression of this expression, distressed, but he did not dare to go to disturb his own baby daughter, can only use the resentful scorpion to stare at the wind.

"Gu Yiyi?" The wind is like a sigh. "Is it a man of the Tenjin House? Sorry, I am blind. When you are completely slim down, it becomes so beautiful. I didn't recognize it for a while..."

Gu Yiyi, who was still so eager to cry, immediately smiled after hearing the words of the wind.

Little to praise her!

She certainly did not exaggerate Xiaoyin, is she the first woman to be praised by Xiaoli?

I am very happy when I think about it.

Qin Hao looked at Gu Yiyi, and then turned his eyes to the wind: "Dip, my previous guess is not wrong, you really seduce her."

Lori instantly raised her head and stared at the wind.

In the presence, only she understood the meaning of Qin Yu's words.

The two fiancee of Nanxian, to the end... all become the rivals of the South String?

This kind of development, isn't she really wanting to die?

(End of this chapter)

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