Chapter 829 Dinner (18)

"It’s ridiculous, who doesn’t know that Master Hairong won’t see someone? How can I use this to trick you?”

Qian Kun is at least willing to stay in the government, and occasionally diagnose the condition because of friendship.

But Hairong is different.

It is the deep friendship, there is no special reason, he can not cure.

Only Luo Fei would be so stupid to believe her words...

"Qin! Small! 玥"

She lied to him!

He cheated on the heart of Lie!

Lie is no longer forgiving him!

Qin Xiaoyu’s mouth was sneer.

Luo Fei, I didn't really want to harm you. At first I was still worried about you.

Since you are not benevolent now, don't blame me for being unjust!

“The owner,” she turned to look at Gu Shi. “When Luo Fei bought it back, he also showed off with me. This is extremely cheap. He bought a purple leaf fruit for the sake of cheaper. It’s almost a bad lady, such a person must be punished!”

The reason in the eyes of Gu Shi has gradually recovered.

If Luo Fei is only deceived, then he may still believe.

After all, this Luo Fei’s vision is not very good, and it is possible to be blinded.

If it is cheap, it’s cheap...

Then he will never believe it!

Luo Fei is not the kind of person who is greedy for cheap. Anyone who knows that cheap is definitely a fake. Luo Fei is stupid, and it is impossible to reach this level.


Wen Yu secretly sighed in his heart.

Qin Xiaoyu was completely clever, but made the most stupid mistake. Not only failed to push the responsibility to Luo Fei, but also caused her to go into the water.

No matter what, the Qin family must be cleaned up.

Never get a little dirty.

Qin Li’s gaze was always on the wind, and his eyes sank: “After going back, we must check the identity of this girl. This girl must not stay.”

If it wasn't for her... Gu Yiyi had already taken the poison, Gu Shi would lose his reason, and Luo Fei could be the sin-raising lamb.

I did not expect that this girl would understand the elixir and see the difference between the two elixir at a glance.

Such a person must not stay, especially, Qin Hao is too close to her!


"You said that Luo Fei is cheap, bought purple leaf ginseng fruit?" Gu began to sneer, and his eyes still angered.

Qin Xiaoyu saw that Gu began to be more angry. She lifted her chin and said: "It is true. For the sake of cheapness, he almost hurt Miss Gu."

Gu’s lips have a satirical curvature.

Regardless of whether Luo Fei is a cheap person, but the purple leaf is not cheap...

Since others want to lie to Luo Fei’s money, why use purple leaf ginseng? It’s enough to take a normal argument and pretend to be enough. Why bother?

"Luo Fei!"

When the atmosphere in this front yard was cold to the extreme, an old voice came from not far away.

Luo Fei looked up and saw that Mrs. Luo was led by a bodyguard, carrying a cane and stepping over.

After seeing the appearance of Mrs. Luo, Luo Fei was shocked and rushed forward. He supported the old lady’s body and looked apologetic: "Mom, how come you?"

Luo Li also went up, she still did not give Luo Fei a good look.

Xu is still angry, at that time, Luo Fei has maintained Qin Xiaoyu.

In the end, Qin Xiaoyu pushed him out without hesitation.

This man is really pathetic and sad.

"You are a bastard!" The old lady beat the crutches on Luo Fei's head and was angry. "What are you doing so urgently this morning? Even the gifts you want to bring to Miss Gu are not brought, you still need I am personally sending you this old man!"

(End of this chapter)

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