The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 851: Sapo's Mujia Laozi (5)

Chapter 851 Sapo's Mujia Laozi (5)

Her heart has long been stunned like an ant, but after all, she still endured.

Just because of the people in front, it is Qin Yu!

If it can make the deaf children not angry, he wants to squat, and the Qin family does not care more than one person.

Perhaps... her retreat this time will make her son feel moved, and she will not see her like this.

After all, this is what she owes...

Qin Lan did not speak. From the beginning to the end, even a superficial look was not left to Qin Yuer. It was already passing by, and even he did not even explain it.

Qin Yuer’s body is stiff in place.

She stared at the young man's figure, only feeling a sad atmosphere in her heart.

She lowered her head and showed a bitter smile at the bottom of her eyes.

From the moment she chooses to be self-deprecating and to be awkward, maybe... is she disappointed with her?

But it doesn't matter, one day, my nephew will understand her.

When you really like a person, no matter how much you pay, you are willing to do it.

Moreover, the owner's family has already retired, and the family has no choice. The father will not only let her be defamed.

She will marry him as a wife.

Qin Yuer did not notice that in the sky, there was a green bird resting on the tree.

After Qin Yu left, the little bird flew into the sky and disappeared into the sky.

It is estimated that Qin Xiaoer will not care too much even if he sees this bird.


"Mother, mother."

In the courtyard, Xiao Qinghan, who was resting on the wind like a lap, saw the flying bird, and smiled straight up. She raised her finger and let the bird stop at her. fingertip.

"The jade is back."

Emerald is the name of this bird.

Because the color is like jade, the wind has fallen for her to name this.

This is also a beast, but the most common one.

Hard to cultivate and can be seen everywhere.

"Jade, have the Qin family bullied Qin Qin in the past few days, is Qin Qin a relative?" Xiao Qinghan asked with big eyes.


When the jade was awkward, the wind was listening for a long time, and I couldn’t understand what she was saying.

Xiao Qinghan seems to understand and understand, turned his head: "Mother, Emerald said that the bad guys of the Qin family were very angry, it seems that Qin Qiner pleaded for pleading, but no one punishes him."

The wind is like a brow.

Did she really guess wrong? Is Qin Zhener really good for my nephew?

"Mother, the jade is coming back to inform us, and we will continue to explore the news later. The Jade 2 and the Jade 3 are still in the Qin family. My mother, is Qin Zhen really a relative?"

The wind squints at the lips and never says more.

This world is not like China, a paternity test can determine the identity of the other party.

Although there are also blood drops to recognize relatives, but this blood is not very reliable, there will be mistakes.

Moreover, after the father and mother are not there, let Qin Lan and who drop blood to recognize the pro?

The wind is like a temple with a headache. "If there is any way, it is good to be able to directly determine the blood relationship."

Because she has been uncertain, she has never said these words to Qin.

Fortunately, this time, after Xiaoqinghan woke up, he was able to communicate with those beasts who couldn’t speak words. For this reason, she used the spirit of the fruit to seduce a group of spirit beasts, so that these were least seen in the eyes. The spirit beast inquired about her.

(End of this chapter)

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