The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 864: Woman in the back of the house (3)

Chapter 864, the woman of the backyard of the government (3)


"Because Master Hairong, he and the master of the house are not the same. Master Qiankun has a high medical attainment, but his strength is not very strong, but Master Hairong... is also very high." Luo Li’s head, "So, even if the Mujia master is seriously ill in bed, the head of the house is only annoying to the family, and will not really punish the family."

The reputation of the Mu family was damaged, and with the high spirit of Master Hai Rong, he would never be able to do it, nor would he be in the first place.

Mu Ling is also deeply aware of this, he will be so anxious to go to the South String marriage.

What he wants is never a life without a worry, but a power. At this point, Master Hairong can't give him.

For this reason, the head of the house will be retired in public, and it will also shut out the home, but it will not hurt the lives of the people.

If there is a worry about life, Hairong will definitely shoot.

"I am giving a simple example, the name of the world, no one knows the hidden world. There is no power behind him. From the beginning to the end, he is alone in the enemy camp." The old lady smiled bitterly, "God" The government, the spiritual **** gate, the **** medicine sect is the largest three forces in the mainland, just because of the huge power, it will be so famous."

"There are some strong people, not the rare name, and they are not willing to form any forces. They are still all alone, just like the end of the world. There are too many such strong people."

Some people think that the formation of a force will drag down the pace of their cultivation, so they will find a clean place to cultivate.

On the mainland, there are too many such strong people.

They are fascinated, so no one knows their name, which has caused the concept that the three major forces in the world are supreme.

Lori understood.

Grandma means that if someone wants to hurt a small dump, the government may not be able to protect her.

"Not to mention, this world, and places you don't know," said Mrs. Luo's expression more and more helpless. "The place where Tianya went is the world that today's people can't reach. It is said that any went inside. The people are basically not coming back."

"In that year, someone used a secret method to force a soul to stay, and this stepped into the world. Until many years later, the soul of the man was broken, and everyone knew that he died in the world. But after the man is dead, he only conveys to the soul that has stayed."

"He told all the disciples under the door that he could not set foot in the world! This is the door rule, and the violators will be driven out of the sect!"

"No one still knows what the world is like, but if it is too cruel, why should that person say this? So, Lie, this world is too big, and the place where we can go is just the tip of the iceberg. The strong you are, maybe not the real strong."

Luo Li never talked, listening quietly to Mrs. Luo’s words.

If it wasn't for her grandmother, she really thought that the three major forces were Xeon. As the head of the Tianshen government, it would definitely protect Xiaopeng.

Now she understands how innocent her idea is.

"Grandma, I understand," Luo Li raised her head and gave a strong radiance to her eyes. "The world is so big, and the strong is also countless. In the future, I will also cultivate well and fight for my little fox." pace."

(End of this chapter)

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