The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 886: The South String is coming (5)

Chapter 886, the South String Comes (5)

"After I went back, I got the news that she wanted to take Chen Chen’s advice."

Suyi slowly closed his eyes -

She thought that she had forgotten everything, but she could have thought of what had happened. Her heart still hated it.

At that time, she used a lot of strength to recover.

In this life, you will never step into the grave of anyone!

The wind is silent and silent for a while: "When the Mujia dog man is here, why don't you say it? You have not done anything wrong, no one is qualified to blame you!"

Suyi looked confused and looked like: "Don't you let me stand by?"


This future mother-in-law, there is a silly white sweetness?

Perhaps it was her unspeakable world that was blinded by Mu Ling at the beginning.

Fortunately, Suyi is already awake! Also took this pit.

"South String, where did you just drop the Mujia dog man?" The wind turned to look at the South String.

Nanxian’s hand gently stroked the girl’s blue silk: “Throw a place that takes half a month to climb back.”

He has not been with her for a long time, and naturally does not allow Mu Ling to bother them.

"Let's go, I am a little tired, go to the rest first."

The plain clothes smiled shallowly: "You get along well with the South Strings. It is best to have a child soon."

Xiao Qinghan blinked his eyes: "Is it a lovely child like me?"

"Definitely as cute as Qinghan," Suyi joyfully squeezed Xiaoqinghan's little face. "Qinghan likes a younger brother or a younger sister?"

Qing Han bit his finger: "I want a cute little sister, I don't like my brother."


"My brother is too naughty, my sister is quiet, but if I am a mother, I can like it."

"Then let's not bother them, maybe they will soon have a baby." Suyi took Xiao Qinghan's hand and smiled and walked in the direction of the backyard.

The entire garden is left with only the wind and the South String.

Nanxian raised his hand and pulled the wind into his arms, gently rubbing her head.

His fingers passed through her blue silk, breathing hot and warm.

"Why have you been following me all the time, not appearing?" The wind was swaying and staring at the man in front of him.

The man's smile is light and warm: "You don't want me to follow, if I appear, you will not be angry."

The wind is stunned: "..."

Nanxian has been tracking her secretly, is afraid of rashly appearing, she will not be happy?

Before she and Nanxian, it was obvious that she wanted to sleep him first...

The person who can be careful is the South String!

The wind is a little tangled, and the newly recognized Nanxian, like the flower of Gaoling, the face of the abstinence, always makes her want to tear open.

Now... turned into a follower!

"I don't want you to come, just this place, for you, it's a nightmare," the wind looked up and stared deeply at the South String. "It doesn't mean I don't want you to follow, but now I have a serious Question, you have to answer me, when did you start thinking about me?"

She really couldn't remember, when did the national teacher start thinking about her?

love at first sight?

The wind is like a disdain for the four words.

She was so obese at the time, she did not believe that the national teacher would fall in love with her at first sight, but before she did not lose weight, the national teacher maintained her everywhere.

So in the end... When did it start?

Nanxian’s hand touched the girl’s face: “Maybe, when I was five years old...”

(End of this chapter)

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