The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 902: Birthday Banquet (4)

Chapter 902 Shou Ban (4)

"She is a bad woman, wants to harm me!" Father snorted. "I saw her once, just hit her once! You talk to her again, I will play with you!"

Mu Ling's face is blue, this old man, the more lively, the more unclear.

Despising good intentions for him, but becoming poisoned.

"Hey, because you are my sister, I will bear with you everywhere, and let the contempt, but you can't ignore her kindness. You want to live with your second brother these days. I will follow you, after your birthday, you Move back to the East Court and stop disappointing her."

"And, you feel contemptuous to poison you, next time I will not let the scorner and hard work for you, lest her good intentions be ruined by you."

When the words fell, Mu Ling turned ugly and turned away. He was afraid that he would not be able to control the old man after he stayed.

The old man stared at the direction in which Mu Ling left, and the expression was somewhat wronged.

"The housekeeper, Su Yi will come back this time? Will she come back with my grandson?"

The butler came out of the house and sighed: "Should."

"Oh, Muling bullied me. I just smashed me. He is a confusing person. I want to complain with Suyi and let her repair him!"

The housekeeper was silent for a while: "You can call back the old man."

"No, no, I am not the kind of person who will beat people. I have a good temper."


The butler is silent again.

Father, do you not feel guilty when you say this?

But the butler also knows that every time Chen squats, the father will be stimulated, and she will fight and fight again. If someone stops him, he will even fight.

When Chen 嫣 嫣 did not appear, the father would not easily get sick.

"Homeowner, do you hate Chen contempt, is it... there are other reasons?"

This is the most confusing thing in the mind of the steward.

At the beginning, the old man did not like Chen Lijun, and would not reach this level.

When did he start?

By the way, it seems that before the lady’s departure, the dislike of Chen’s disgrace to Chen’s wife has reached a limit.

"Why? I don't remember too much..." Father's gaze was awkward. "I always feel that I have forgotten a lot of things recently. If I go on like this, will I forget to eat?"

The housekeeper said with distress: "Homeowner, it doesn't matter, the old slave will remember to feed you."

"Oh, yes, Xiao Qingyu should go to school? Can you contact him?"

"Homeowner, the second young master is almost thirty..."

"Small Qing dynasty is almost thirty? Time is really fast, I remember that he was only so big at the time," Mu granules stroked his hand, seemingly deep in the memory, "that time he Everyday and evening, I was entangled in plain clothes, especially when I was pregnant. Xiaoqing knew that her body was not good. She was also behind a small guard who was behind her, right, Suyi? Where did she go? ?"

The housekeeper sighed: "The young lady was discharged from the hospital and returned in a few days."

"That's good, that's good. I thought that Suyi was driven away by a bad woman. She would come back."

The old man smiled.

The steward's look is more and more sorrowful, and the father's memory is getting worse and worse. Every time I forget that the young lady has left home, she always feels that the second master is still a young boy of ten years old.

How can this be good?

Perhaps, to comfort the old man, now only the young lady and the South String son...

(End of this chapter)

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