The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 937: Muring beaten (3)

Chapter 937, Mu Ling beats (3)

She turned her head mechanically, and even as she saw it, her most trusted master was already standing in front of Suyi.

"I am here today for the birth of my father. There is one more thing. I want to announce it in public."

He only looked at his clothes and took his eyes back.

Muling was relieved by the subconscious.

It seems that it has been for many years, and Hairong has forgotten the appearance of Suyi and has not recognized her.

Su Yi is with the old man...

Therefore, he took it for granted that Hairong’s words were told to the old man.

"Master Hai Rong, you have something to say."

"Okay," Hairong’s eyes swept over Muling and looked at the people present. "In these years, you all know that I am a master of joy. I also know that many people present are because I heard that I am Mu Jia, will come to participate in this birthday feast."

If you change this to anyone, it will give you a feeling of being extremely shameless.

Well, the person who said this is Hairong.

Hairong has this capital! I don’t know how many problems were solved in his hands.

There are countless powerful people who have been treated by him!

Of course, that was the year when Hairong was no longer willing to treat people, and the reason was not clear.

He never even accepted an apprentice, Mu Huan is the first and the last one!

"So, today, I have to announce to the whole world. Since then, I have no relationship with Mujia since then, and Mu Huan is no longer my disciple!"

The words of the old man are like a thunder, a bang, squatting on everyone's heart, so that everyone's heart is a little trembling.

This... What happened in the end?

Why does Hairong want to publicly expel Mu Huan from the division?

"Master!" Mu Huan was pale and shivering. Her proud eyebrows contained sadness and tears. "Master, what have I done wrong? You have to drive me out of the division? If I did something wrong, You told me, can't I change it?"

Almost, because of the heartbreaking appearance of Mu Huan, Hairong had to be soft.

But he was very quick, and he made his heart firm.

He gave Mu Hua the last chance!

If in the past few days, in the inn, Huan Er tells him all the truth.

Maybe he can forgive her.

But it is too late now, and the heart of Huan’s thought is too deep. He is not willing to let his own statement of the whole world be destroyed!

"Hai Rong master," Chen Lijun's emotions were a little excited, and hurriedly went to Hairong's face. "Happiness has always been very obedient. What has been wrong with her this time, so that the master is so angry? You say, you If we say it, we will definitely let Huaner correct the mistake."

Hairong’s smile slowly disappeared, and the indifferent eyes swept Chen’s eyes: “What’s wrong with you, you’re not sure what you’re not doing? You’ve made me a fool and deceived me for nearly two decades. And now ask me what she made wrong?"

Chen Liang's body was trembling, and Master Hairong finally recognized the plain clothes.

Why... Why didn’t he ask anything, he’s already sure that the family is lying?

Suddenly, Chen’s heart gave birth to an answer, which made her cold.

Prior to this, Master Hairong had definitely met with Suyi.

Therefore, he did not ask anything, he knew the identity of Suyi...

Chen Lizhen bit his lip, and closed his eyes lightly, his face pale, and he looked even weaker.

(End of this chapter)

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