The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 942: Mu Ling beats (eight)

Chapter 942 Muling beats (eight)

This is completely forcing them!

Everyone can't help but want to cry.

Just now they wanted to start, it was the temptation of Lingjiu, and Gu began to take the lead, and it was backed by the spiritual door.

But what do they have now?

The wind is like a punishment to punish them. They have a hunch. If they really do something about Muling, they will definitely be endlessly pursued by Mu Jiayong!

But if you don't shoot, Nanxian will kill them first!

When I think about it, they still decided to shoot first! Maybe they still have a chance to escape, but if they don’t, they really have no chance...

"Mu Ling, Lord, don't blame us."

The middle-aged man raised his hand.

"You dare!" Muling was angry and screaming, and his eyes burned with angry fire.

Just as Muling was going to start, the three imposing manners came from three places, making him feel stiff and unable to move.

He turned his head and looked at the place where the three momentums came from -

Gu Shi, Hairong, and... Nanxian?


A slap in the face fell, Mu Ling hurt and took a sigh of cold, his eyes were fierce.

"You dare to move me, my family will definitely let you bury your corps!"

The voices of middle-aged men are crying out: "I don't want to, it's all forced by them! If I don't do it, I will die now."

Another slap fell.

Muling’s eyes were even more angry.

It’s a shame and shame, and he hasn’t suffered such a shame!

These people are waiting for him, he will never let go of anyone!

"What are you still doing?" The wind swept to other wall grasses. "There is also a Chen 嫣 嫣, you are one by one, exchanged, yes, everyone must fan two hundred slaps, less One was discovered by me and I came back."

The people of the Mujia family took a sigh of relief.

This woman is really vicious!

Let everyone fan two hundred slaps, and the last two faces are still useful?

Those who have just sinned against the wind and the like, have subconsciously stepped back a few steps, fearing that the wind will come to them to settle accounts.

They also discovered that the wind is like a woman, it is more vicious than Suyi!

If it is in the past, Qin Yuer is not watching the wind.

Although she can't stand now, but after all, people will choose to protect themselves.

She used to teach Lolly, only because Lolly listened to her.

She usually has something to stand up to make people complain, because it is because the strength of the other party is not as good as the Qin family.

The wind is like a slant... It’s obviously not what she can provoke now, she has to rely on the wind to pour in order to become a woman of the South String, so naturally, she will not jump out at this time to speak for the Mujia...



Chen Xiaoyan was screamed by the palm of the palm, and the whole face was red and swollen. Her eyes were filled with pitiful tears, and the bottom of her eyes was full of horror.

Such emotions, like a needle, are tied in the heart of Muling.

He screamed: "Enough, all the slaps of contempt, I am all for her! She is innocent, don't bully her!"

The wind looked like a gaze.

Compared with Liu Yuxi, this Muling is indeed a lot of men, at least he wants to protect Chen Lijun...


"Give me a fight, don't stop! Muling everyone only needs to play two hundred slaps, Chen smashed into two hundred and five."

Don't you feel bad about her? Want to protect her?

Then I will let her become two hundred and five!

(End of this chapter)

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