The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 954: Undead flower (5)

Chapter 954 Undead Flowers (5)

Suyi is not moved, and the condescending gaze looks down on Chen.

Chen sighed and panicked, biting his teeth and squatting under the eyes of everyone.

"Su clothing sister, these are my efforts, please let them go, I spent countless money, and spent a few days and nights, only to get the elixir from others, these elixir on the body of the father Beneficial, please... Don’t ruin all my efforts, I beg you...”

Her voice was so crying that the entire courtyard was clear.

Chen Guangyu saw that Suyi did not speak, and went to the wind like a dump, and went to the sentence, weeping blood, tears.

"Wind girl, please advise Suyi sister, if you didn't have enough gas last night, you continue to hit me, but I don't know what the father did wrong, you have to ruin these elixir, you can't be ungrateful, the father is right. Sister sister is so good, how can she be envious?"

The wind is like a low scorpion, and cold gaze glares at Chen sigh: "You really want to be a good friend, but you still want to harm her. You know it."

Chen’s heart twitched and bit his lip tightly.

What do you know about the wind?

Do not!


That person said that in this world, no one will recognize the flowers of the vines and the undead.

Even Qiankun and Hairong could not recognize it, let alone a little girl?

She did this just to deliberately avenge her!

"Wind! Like! Dive!"

When Mu Ling just came over, he heard the words of the wind. He angered three liters and hurried to Chen Fengqi’s face, and helped the weak woman kneeling on the ground.

A pair of scorpions full of anger, staring at the wind like a face.

Of course, at this moment, Mu Ling, his face is also like a bag and a scorpion, only revealing the nose and mouth and eyes.

"Enough, when are you going to hurt the scorn? When she thinks about it for others, you are targeting her! It ruins all her efforts. Don't forget, if you want to marry into a family, she is you." Mother, you do not respect the elders so much, Heaven will definitely not let you down!"

The wind is like a smile: "The heavens do not allow me, I believe that my home country teacher will destroy this heaven for me."

Nan Xi’s smile is light, and this feeling of dependence on her is really good...

"The wind is like a sigh!!!" Mu Ling’s chest will be blown up. He bit his teeth and said, "You are unfaithful, unfilial, and you are not filial."

When Muling’s voice saw the eyes of the South String, all the words disappeared, and there was a timidity in his heart.

I am afraid of my son?

In fact, Muling was somewhat afraid of the South String before, otherwise he would not go to find him, and he had been sent to find him.

But he always felt that he was the father of Nanxian. The South String couldn't really do it to him, and he couldn't make him embarrassed in public...

Until last night, he realized that he wanted more.

Nanxian is really going to hit him!

Therefore, now I see a look of the South String, just as there are countless words that I want to get out of Muling, I will be honest in an instant.

He was afraid that if he continued, the South String not only beat him, but even scorned and played together.

"It’s also a fact that scorned," Muling’s throat trembled, but he still had the courage to say a word, but his voice was obviously much smaller. “These are all elixir, good for the health of the father. She is screaming and asking everywhere, only to ask for the father, I know that you don't like contempt, but you can't let the guilty efforts be wasted."

(End of this chapter)

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