The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 965: The truth of the year (2)

Chapter 965 The Truth of the Year (2)

The culprit has been eradicated, and it takes only time for the father to recover.

"it is good."

Nanxian looked cold and looked at Mu Ling.

Muling was stunned by Nanxian’s glance. When he was about to say something, he felt that a wind that had disappeared into his nose, so he couldn’t help but sneeze.


Mu Ling crouched down and held the trembled hand tightly: "You can rest assured that I will use all the elixir to cure your wounds and let you recover at the fastest speed."

Chen’s eyes narrowed and he hanged down.

She also thought that Mu Ling would say that no matter what means, she would avenge her.

It turned out that it was just a cure...

But the pain that was passed down immediately made her no more thoughts, biting her teeth and tears streaming down.

"Slightly, I..."

Mu Ling still wants to appease a few more words. He feels that a fart is coming. He can't leave Chen Guangyu at this time. He can only let the fart out.


A muffled sound.

Muling’s face suddenly froze.

Because he felt that a wet thing flowed out of the skin, and then there was a stench.

The stinky person who is being executed can't help but stop looking.

This is verifying a sentence. Sometimes, you think that you may just want to put a fart and accidentally give it out.

Mu Linglian said that he had no time to talk to Chen Guangyu, and he quickly ran to the nearest latrine.

Although the Mujia is big, there are a lot of latrines. After he found a latrine, he squatted down and there was a scream of screaming in his stomach, which was slightly painful.

However, when he was released, there was a feeling of extreme refreshment.

The refreshing feeling made him have an urge to sing songs -

Impulsive for less than three seconds, a loud bang, the entire huts collapsed instantly, sputum splashed out, splashed Muling.

If it wasn't for him to escape too fast, it is estimated that the whole person would be smashed down.

The people of Mujia were shocked by this loud noise and ran quickly.


They saw that Mu Ling’s younger master, Mu Ling, came out with his head squatting, and there was still panic in his eyes.

"Hey," the wind came out from behind and smiled. "I have said that Heaven has a reincarnation. Who is the sky? Who is it, so it’s so bad, I have reminded you before." The latrine should be careful."

Muling’s face was green and angry: “Are you doing it?”

The wind shrugged his shoulders: "I just passed by."

Muling still wants to ask questions, but there is a cry from his stomach. He can't control so much. He bites his teeth and walks toward another latrine.

No one saw that when he left, a ghostly white coat followed Muling...

On this day, everyone in the Mu family knows that their own little masters have ruined the heavens.

Regardless of which latrine he squats, the latrine will collapse, and the urinating urine will run around everywhere. The whole Mujia has left a strong taste and can't be dispersed for a long time.

In the end, there was no way, and he took out the chamber pot. Who knows that it was just halfway, and the chamber pot exploded.

The cockroaches in the chamber pot all splashed on him, and his mouth was hung with a hint of yellow... something evil.

Under the anger of Mu Ling, simply do not use the night pot, and directly on the ground to solve, so that is not to let the sputum splash on the body.

(End of this chapter)

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