Xia Qing, with the corners of her mouth raised slightly, turned back to her and said.

"Ah... ok, ok, you... please come on...!"

After seeing the boy's smile, the smile contained such a reassuring feeling and the fighting spirit in his eyes made Dezhu Shi feel that maybe he could really do it.

But, is this really going to be the case...?

She still has such doubts in her heart. Judging from the past she has experienced, among many ghost hunters, it is just a "Ren-level" boy, let alone killing the lower string, even if he can survive only two attacks, it is incomparable. difficult.

Just as all kinds of thoughts were swirling in her mind, a golden light like lightning shot out from the stone wall, instantly clashing with the ghost of the lower string that appeared!

Ding--! !

The surging sparks sounded clearly at this moment, and the [Nichirin Sword], covered in ripples like tiny electric currents, slashed on the arm of the underworld ghost!

"It's pretty hard."

Xia Qing raised his eyebrows, then without hesitation raised his leg and kicked the middle-aged black-haired Xia Xian in the chest!

Bang——! ! !

The so-called "Xia Xian Ghost" in Zhu Shi's mouth was kicked directly and flew out!

"This...is the second-to-last "Ren-class" among the Demon Slayers now?"

Zhu Shi, who was feeling overwhelmed at the moment, opened her eyes wide and murmured, then quickly walked towards the house.

"Yushiro, you go help the swordsman named Xia Qing. I can come here alone."


Author's message:


ps: Thank you to Shuke 3920589329 for your monthly ticket*1, and for your monthly ticket*1 for Poetry Notes!

Chapter 39 The battle with [Xiaxian 2]! (/4)

Yushiro's expression was a bit tangled, one side was concerned about Miss Tamashi's safety, and the other side was the threat from the lower string.

But after seeing the woman's purple eyes, he finally nodded heavily.

"Don't worry, leave it to me, Miss Jushi!"

After answering like this, Yushiro immediately rushed out of the courtyard.

In the room where only two people were left, Zhu Shi withdrew his gaze, turned to look at the girl lying on the bed, and sighed slightly.

"You must hold on, Xia Qing and Yushiro. Once the child's injury is stabilized, I will be able to help you."

With such determination, Zhu Shi's purple eyes reflected the flickering light of the candle, and then he raised his arm.


clang--! ! !

The crisp sound of swords and halberds resounded through the entire village, and the golden-patterned [Sun Lun Dao] clashed with the lower string of a middle-aged man's face.

"You are the one..."

During the brief break after the confrontation, Xia Qing spoke.

"The one who was killed by Muzan Kibutsuji in episode 26... Hey, what's your name...?"

Xia Qing, who suddenly stood still, put his hand on his chin and recalled something, but no matter how he looked for it, except for the appearance of the person in front of him, he didn't know the rest of the name.

"My name is Laozi. Remember this name, kid. When you go to hell, tell the ghost hunters who I killed how I tortured you to death!!"

The man named Lulu smiled wildly at this moment, and his right fist expanded three times in an instant after clenching it hard!

Then, he stepped forward, causing the ground to crack, and raised his fist towards Xia Qing, who was holding the knife.

"Ah, I see. Seeing that you died so quickly, I thought you didn't even have a name."

Hearing that he actually answered her, Xia Qing suddenly nodded in realization. When he saw the other person rushing toward him, he leaned forward slightly and held the [Sun Lun Dao] at the same level.

At this time, Xia Qing suddenly thought of something.

'No, if there are villagers in this village who have turned into ghosts, then why is the next string appearing...'

A guess suddenly appeared in his mind, causing Xia Qing to narrow his eyes.

'That is to say...there are Xia Xian's existences around...and as for that guy's purpose of not taking action...'

Xia Qing frowned, and the index finger of her right hand holding the handle of the knife moved slightly.

If there is a string, then even Xia Qing cannot guarantee the safety of Tamashi and Yushiro. After all, there is still a slight gap between his own hands and the string.

Even if a stand-in is used, the Platinum Star's range of action is too short. It is possible to protect Xia Qing himself, but it is a bit difficult to protect two ghosts at the same time.

In short, it is better to deal with this person first to buy Zhu Shi time to save people.

"Thunder Breath Type 1·Thunderbolt Flash!!"

As his breathing quickened, Xia Qing's figure rushed out like a golden lightning bolt!

"Vampire Art·Rock!!"

The fist, which was tripled in size due to sudden heat, clashed with the blade with golden lines at this moment!

Ding--! ! !

Just a moment later, Xia Qing appeared behind Lulu. After sliding on the ground for a few meters to relieve his force, he turned around. After seeing that the fist of the lower string had been cut into a dent, Xia Qing spat out. One breath.

"so hard."

He lowered his head and glanced at the [Nichirin Sword] in his hand. There were some cracks on the originally sharp blade.

"Is this cracked...?"

Was it because the material I chose for forging the knife was not good?

No, it's impossible. The materials in the final selection will definitely not be inferior.

It seems that the low-level vampire magic we faced this time should have something to do with the hardening of the body...

Xia Qing's eyes narrowed slightly.

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