"Yoshiro, you go to the house first, and I'll explore the surroundings."

"Ah good."

After seeing the scene of Xia Qing's battle just now, he already knew that his own strength could not help him, not to mention that now that his opponent had been dealt with, there was no need for him to stay outside.


Miss Juyo is much prettier than this guy!

Yushiro thought so, but suddenly, he felt unhappy with his thoughts.

Why should I compare a man to Miss Juyo? ?

He couldn't help but said "Tsk!" and then walked towards the house.

Xia Qing, on the other hand, began to search for traces of the previous name Shangxian everywhere in the village.

He climbed over fences and courtyard walls, and explored every house one by one. After hearing the footsteps outside the house, the villagers thought that there were ghosts wandering outside, and they were so scared that they did not even dare to breathe out.

Only the middle-aged man who first accosted Xia Qing didn't hear the stampede on the house. Xia Qing used the Platinum Star to wander around his courtyard before leaving.

Finally, Xia Qing found a jade pot with strange patterns on the outskirts of the woods outside the village. Xia Qing, who smelled the winding breath, asked Platinum Star to look inside the bottle.

It was empty, nothing.

"Then just smash it."

Xia Qing looked at the jade pot placed on the ground and murmured.

The Platinum Star's expression was also like his. Following Xia Qing's thoughts, he punched the porcelain pot.


The shattered porcelain pot made a crisp sound of breaking.

Chapter 42 Zhu Shi’s Commission (2/5)

The stars twinkle in the night sky, which is particularly charming. In the dark blue sky, the stars are like shining diamonds, pouring out thousands of silver gray.

The moonlight is as bright as a piece of white jade, a crystal clear white jade embedded in the boundless night sky.

Sometimes you can see a shooting star crossing the sky, and the short-lived beauty leaves an indelible trace in people's minds.

Hazy orange light flickered in the room. Xia Qing stepped to the door, stretched out his hand and opened the paper door.


"Welcome back!"

Zhu Shi, who was kneeling on the tatami, smiled at Xia Qing and said.

"How is the girl?"

Xia Qing walked to the coffee table and sat down and said to the young man unceremoniously.

"Yoshiro, go make me some tea."


Jushi frowned when she heard that he actually uttered such foul words.

"Go and pour tea for Xia Qing, Yushiro."

"I...I know."

Even though he gritted his teeth at Xia Qing's existence, Yushirou obediently went to make tea after being ordered by Tamayo.

Then, Zhu Shi turned to look at the girl lying on the bed beside him.

"She is fine, but... her parents are a bit pitiful, because they have turned into ghosts, so they have been sent to the city and imprisoned underground."

Xia Qing silently nodded.

Reaching out to take the teacup handed over by Yushiro, Xia Qing let out a long breath after taking a sip of the steaming hot tea.

"Is it difficult for you to deal with human wounds?"

"Hey! As ghosts, we have to endure the saliva that is attracted by the smell of flesh and blood, and we have to treat humans at the same time!"

Yushiro raised his fist with a look of displeasure, but after seeing Xia Qing's hand still holding the tea cup and thinking of the scene when the other party tied the string, his fist hung in the air, not knowing what to do.

"Stop! Why use force to fight...?"

After hearing Tamashi's words, Yushiro immediately lowered his arm.

Then, the woman wearing a kimono with "wisteria flowers" on it raised her hand and put it on her chest.

"I don't feel uncomfortable at all. It's quite relaxed compared to ordinary ghosts. After all, I can control my body at will, so I've also removed the curse of Onibatsuji Muzan."

Yushiro answered at this time.

"In other words, we can live without eating people now. We only need to drink a small amount of human blood."

Jushi nodded.

"It may make you feel unhappy, but we bought the blood for transfusion from people who are not very wealthy. Of course, we only need an amount of blood that will not affect us personally."

Then, the woman's purple eyes turned and glanced at the boy with blue-green hair.

"Yoshiro only needs a small amount of blood. It was me who turned him into a ghost."

"Although no one else can increase the number of ghosts except Muzai Kibutsuji, but those who possess his blood and I who have successfully removed Onibatsuji's curse can do this."

To increase the number of ghosts on the string, you need to get the consent of Onibatsuji Muzai, but since Tamashi has removed the curse and connection of Onibatsuji, he can also give blood to others without being known by Onibatsuji.

"After more than two hundred years, the only one who can finally turn into a ghost is Yushiro."

Jushi said.

And what Yushiro was thinking about at the moment was.

'Tamayo-sama who explains carefully is so beautiful...'

The conversation continues.

"I hope you don't misunderstand one thing... I don't want to increase the number of ghosts, but for people who are suffering from incurable diseases and are about to die soon, this is the only way to survive..."

"At that time, I will definitely ask myself if I am willing to become a ghost and live forever. I will choose to continue only after the other party agrees."

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