[Northern Stay Station].

On the silent street, a man wearing a black and white kimono was hugging a pretty woman with a successful smile.

This is his food for tonight.

But just when he opened his fanged mouth and prepared to eat, he heard a sound of footsteps that made his heart palpitate.

The man suddenly turned around, and when he saw the person coming, cold sweat broke out on his face.

He was a dark-haired young man with an expressionless face. He was wearing a Demon Slayer uniform with haori of different patterns on the left and right sides. The left half of the haori had the same color as Yasushi's clothes, and the right half of the haori had the same color as Yasushi's clothes. His late sister, Tsutako, wore the same color.

"No...don't kill me...!"

As a "ghost", the man could very clearly sense the aura of a strong man that was emanating from the other party, and he was someone who could easily kill him.

Almost instinctively, the man knew this clearly in his heart the moment he saw the young man arriving.

"Spare your life? You should know that begging for mercy is meaningless, whether it's me or you."

Speaking in a low voice, Tomioka Giyu moved his right hand to the handle of the Nichirin sword worn on his left waist, held it tightly, and slowly pulled it out.

As the sea blue hilt was slowly pulled out, the blade engraved with the words "Evil Demon Kill" reflected the cold light under the moonlight.

The man was frightened and pushed the woman in his arms away, crying and begging for mercy to the young man.

"I...I swear...never again...never again..."

When he said this, the man's right hand turned into a sharp claw, and his expression became more ferocious, completely revealing his true appearance as a "man-eater".

While shouting. "I will never eat people again!", while rushing in the direction of the boy.

However, at this moment, a Nichirin sword with a blue blade suddenly came out of its sheath.

"Water Breathing Type 1: Flat Slash on the Water!"

This was followed by a flash of sea-blue sword light and the sound of surging water.

The ghost's head had already rolled to the ground, where blood was spattering. Tomioka Yoshiyuki swung the Nichirin sword in his hand to shake off the blood attached to it, and then rotated the blade.

————Return to the sheath.

Chapter 68: Kitanojo Station Incident (2/4)


The crow's call came from the sky.

"Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Send the order!! Send the order!!"

The crow flew to the eaves, and then shouted to Tomioka Giyu below.

"The swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Squad oh oh oh!! Hurry to the snowy mountains in the north!! Several hunters! Eaten by "ghosts"!!"

"Evil Demon Destroy Wuwu!! Ahhhh Evil Demon Destroy!!!"

The young man listened quietly to the sound of the black crow, slowly sheathed the Nichirin sword, and walked towards the target location without saying a word.


The sun rises in the east.

The sunshine at the beginning of the year is warm and makes me feel very comfortable.

Xia Qing was now looking at the girl with a gentle smile on her face who was wearing the same butterfly feather fabric as her sister with surprise.

"...What happened?"

She had always had a very serious personality, but now she was so gentle. Her smile looked so gentle that Xia Qing couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth, wondering if the child had experienced something that suddenly changed her temperament.

"Nothing happened~"

The girl came to Xia Qing's side and headed towards the road leading to [Northern Hostel Station].

Every time you take a step on the snow-covered path, you will leave a moderately deep shoe print behind you.

"Really? I feel like you've changed a lot..."

The girl blinked and explained.

"This was developed to take good care of Kanahu. However, there is something I still want to know."

"whats the matter……?"

Xia Qing asked.

The girl who tilted her head and raised her face to look at Xia Qing suddenly asked.

"What do you think of me now?"

After hearing this, Xia Qing also lowered his head and looked at the smiling Butterfly Ninja.

Xia Qing looked at the girl's face carefully, and finally answered with a serious look.

“Looking great as always.”


The girl's cheeks suddenly swelled, not hiding her angry expression, and then she turned away and looked to the side.

"Ah... I completely missed the point!"

"The point...ah! I understand!"

Xia Qing, who wanted to tease her, put her chin on her head and pretended to think, then suddenly spoke after a moment.

The girl immediately turned her head with anticipation on her face.

"Where, where? Tell me quickly!"

Xia Qing asked, pointing at the butterfly-wing-like feathers worn by the girl.

"Why are you wearing Kanae's haori?"

The girl suddenly paused as if she was choked, and finally shouted into Xia Qing's ear.

"You stupid!!!"

When I think about it, I have been asking my sister for advice for so long, and finally learned the habit of treating others like that, just so that the person I like can praise me, but now this guy has not noticed it at all.

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