At this moment, Zhu Samaru turned his attention to Tanjiro and said.

"You are the one, the ghost hunter with earrings on your ears, right?"

"The me...?"

A flash of guilt flashed through Tanjiro's heart.

Could it be that it was because of me that they encountered such an attack?

But the current situation no longer allowed him to think about anything. A handball hit his direction at an extremely fast speed!

Damn it, their ball is too fast to resist...

"Hey! Stupid ghost hunter, if you can see the arrows, you will know the direction. Just avoid those arrows! In this way, you can cut off the head of the hand ghost girl. I will lend you my vision. alright!!"

Yushiro took out a piece of talisman paper, his eyes were glowing blue at this moment, and then threw the talisman paper towards Tanjiro.

After pasting this talisman on his forehead, Tanjiro immediately passed through, and Yushiro's vision saw the red arrows leading the ball.

"This... you see, it turns out those handballs move through the trajectory of the arrow?"

"Mr. Yushiro, thank you, I can see the arrow, Nezuko, on the tree! On the tree!!"

After hearing this, Mi Douzi rushed out immediately.

He raised his foot and kicked Yawayu hard in the face.

"Hey! Don't raise the dust, it's too dirty!!"

The eye in Yawayu's raised palm immediately opened.

As if pushed by an invisible force, Nezuko's figure suddenly flew backwards.

At this moment, Tanjiro is fighting Zhusamaru.

"Be honored to die in the hands of Twelve Ghost Moon!"

Tanjiro asked doubtfully.

"Twelve Ghost Moons...?"

Jushi exclaimed.

"Those are Tsuji Muzan's subordinates!"

"Hmm~ Keep playing until the night is over, until the end of your life!"

As he said this, Zhusamaru turned into six arms and threw a handball at Tanjiro.

"Water Breathing Type Three·Flowing and Dancing!"

At the moment when he concentrated his breathing, Tanjiro's figure was like a stream of water dodging the handball that was flying towards him at extremely fast speeds.

The black Nichirin sword that was then raised cut off Zhushamaru's hands along a blue trajectory.

Stab————! !

"Be careful, don't be negligent. If they are really the Twelve Ghost Moons, first of all, you can be sure that they will be more powerful than those you defeated before!"

"Okay, I understand. I will continue to pay attention and not be careless. I will defeat you so far first... Okay, I will work hard!"

Tanjiro composed himself.

I must collect it. In order to be able to make the medicine as soon as possible, no matter what kind of ghost, I will challenge it and win!

Using his extraordinary sense of smell, Tanjiro sensed the "thread of the gap"!

"I saw it, the line of gap!"

The blade began to draw blue waves, and Tanjiro rushed towards Yawaha.

"What a filthy kid, don't come near me!"

Yawawa raised his right hand and suddenly opened his eyes in the open palm. At the same time, the line of gap that Tanjiro originally saw was suddenly broken.


It was at this moment that Tanjiro, who was holding the black [Nichirin Sword] high, suddenly noticed an arrow pointing behind him on the ground beneath his feet.

As the arrow moved, Tanjiro's sword missed Yawaha by a hair's breadth. Then, Tanjiro's whole body was deflected by the arrow and hit a tree trunk hard.


Then, before Tanjiro could react, his body was lifted off the ground and into the air by the arrow that appeared again.

Immediately afterwards, the arrow suddenly let go, causing Tanjiro to begin to fall freely toward the ground.

"...!! Sword skills!! I have to use sword skills to soften the impact!!"

The black [Nichirin Sword] held tightly in Tanjiro's hands was suddenly swung towards the ground at this moment.

"Water Breathing Eight Type·Takitsubo!!"

The water rising up into the sky buffered Tanjiro's body from falling towards the ground.

"Zhusamaru, isn't the person over there the "Fugitive" Shushi? This is a very nice meeting gift~"

"Is that so~~?"

Akusamaru replied as he kept hitting Nezuko with his handball.

At this time, Nezuko suddenly caught the handball rushing towards his feet, and subconsciously raised his foot to kick it.

"Can't kick!!"

Jushi shouted quickly.

But it was too late, blood spattered out, and the broken right foot was still recovering.

"Ah~ It's so enjoyable, it's so enjoyable. Playing football is also good. Yawaha, can you take the four heads back?"

"No, there are two, the ghost hunter and the fugitive. The other two are useless."

After discovering Nezuko's injury, Tamashi quickly stepped forward and gave her an injection of healing medicine to speed up the recovery of her right foot.

At the same time, Tanjiro was looking at Yawaha cautiously.

'What should I do... I absolutely can't lose, but even if I see the line of the gap, I can't simply slash. It's meaningless to look at the tangle of gaps without confidence. As long as there is a slight deviation, I won't be able to give full play. The power of the sword skill and the direction of the sword will change due to the ability of the arrow...'

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