"Iron Cave Sen is my new swordsmith, where is the Iron Tomb?

"I don't know either."

Xia Qing put the teacup back on the table and replied with the same calm expression as Muichiro.


Muichiro, who felt that this expression seemed a bit familiar, crossed his arms and tilted his head.

Creaking creaking————

There was this strange noise coming from the door.

"It's a ghost."

Xia Qing reached out and grasped the handle of the [Sun Lun Dao] placed aside, and pulled it out with a "Clang——!"

In just a split second, Wu Yilang jumped in front of Xia Qing, opened the paper door, and slashed at the neck of the exposed ghost!

"Kasumi's Breath Four Type·Sleeve Slash!"

The mist that blocked his vision surged around Muichiro, hiding his Nichirin Sword in it.

Stab————! !

The sound of the blade cutting against the skin sounded, and Muichiro's figure had stopped in front, and he immediately turned back to look at the ceiling.

"So fast...I couldn't kill him..."

Muichiro frowned. The ghost dodged so fast that his sword skills only opened a wound on the opponent's face.

To a ghost, such a scar is just an insignificant injury that can be healed in a few seconds.

Xia Qing also raised his head and looked at the ugly ghost.

"Half-day dog..."

The half-tengu now appears as [Shangxian San] - usually he looks like an old man with no numbers in his eyes, a swollen forehead, two horns on his head, and a prajna-like face.

Chapter 120 New abilities! (1/4)

After the neck is cut off in this form, it will split into four clones: "Jiuhu", "Cola", "Kongxi", and "Aijue". The appearance is the form of Bantengu when he was young, but the main body will become It's only the size of a mouse, but its neck is so hard that it can crack or even break a Nichirin sword.

The character "coward" is written on the tongue of the main body, and the words of the same personality as his own are also written on the tongues of the other clones.

"Stop, don't bully me, it hurts so much!!"

The half-tengu who was firmly attached to the ceiling covered his face that was bleeding and said.

"Who cares about you?"

A white mist spread around Muichiro's body, causing confusion as he slashed continuously.

"Kasumi's Breath 2 Type: Eightfold Kasumi!"

The half-tengu was hit in the head by eight consecutive blows in a short period of time, and his head and body were separated in an instant.

But he didn't die immediately. Instead, his head and body rushed towards Xia Qing and Wuichiro standing on the other side of the room.

"Muichiro, be careful, that guy is not dead yet."

Xia Qing reminded the other party in a calm tone.

At such times, you cannot show anxiety, otherwise it will affect other people's judgment.

Of course, Xia Qing's main concern was whether Wuyilang could withstand Shangxian's attack.

Although he is a talented boy, he has only become [Xia Zhu] not long after all, and there is still a lot of room for growth. Xia Qing does not want him to die here like this.

"Eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! I got chopped!!"

The head flying towards Xia Qing made such a cry.

Then, a body quickly grew under the flying head, and the headless body on the other side also quickly grew a face that was completely different from the old man's face.

The face that looks like a boy has two horns on both sides of the forehead.

The emotions of the Half-Tengu are very mixed. The "timid" nature of the Half-Tengu is timid and cowardly, and it thinks negatively. However, it has only one point of view - "It has not made any mistakes." Even if the Half-Tengu commits evil deeds, it always thinks Whether you have no choice or are forced, it doesn't matter as long as you can avoid facing your own crimes.

When the Bantian Dog encounters danger, the four most basic emotions deep in his heart: joy, anger, sadness, and joy, will appear and take charge of fighting. However, the relationship between the four clones is not good, and they will only They cooperated to protect the original body and merged to become the incarnation of his hateful emotions, "Hateful Sky".

"Hate" stubbornly believes that all those who hurt "Qi" are evil people. In his opinion, the behavior of hurting the body is an evil and vicious act, but he does not care at all about his evil deeds of killing countless people.

His vampire technique is centered on embodiment and splitting. When the Half-Tengu is in danger, the strong emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy that protect the Half-Tengu can materialize through this vampire technique.

The four clones control four completely different vampire techniques, and the half-tengu's vampire techniques will not affect his own cells, so he doesn't have to worry about accidentally injuring himself.

In the split state, the half-tengu will use the extremely small "Qi" as its main body to control four immortal clones to fight. The main body can easily defeat the enemy in a war of attrition by simply running away and hiding.

Even if the clone is decapitated, it will not disappear, and the body can freely further split into smaller degraded clones.

When the main body is in extreme crisis, the four clones will merge and evolve into "Abomination" with explosive growth in power, easily crushing the enemy.

The body with the head growing out rushed towards Muichiro, but Muichiro immediately reacted, took a step forward towards the oncoming body, and swung his sword without any fear!

However, as if the body was aware of Muichiro's movements, it instantly did a backflip and easily avoided Muichiro's horizontal slash.

"Ah...I missed it..."

Seeing that the other party got out of the way so easily, Muichiro seemed a little disappointed.

At this moment, the clone with horns on its head used the [Vampire Technique] to create two fallen leaves-shaped fans, and then waved it heavily in the direction of Muichiro!

That seemingly meaningless waving of the fan produced an extremely powerful wind, instantly blowing away the mist created by Muichiro's [Kasumi's Breath] and even blowing his figure backwards to the wall. .

“It’s too small here, let’s go outside and play~~”

With a smile on his face, the "Ghost of Joy" waved the fans in his hands in the direction of Xia Qing and Muichiro respectively. The strong wind generated directly destroyed the entire room, and a loud roar came from the ceiling. At the next moment, Then it broke into pieces!

Boom boom boom————! ! !

As the ceiling was hit by a powerful hurricane, Xia Qing and Wuichiro's figures were blown into the air at this moment.

"Hahaha, I'm so happy, the beans fly so far~ right, accumulating anger~"

"The Ghost of Joy" Cola said with an angry smile towards the "Ghost of Anger" holding a tin staff in his hand.

"What's there to be happy about? I only have endless anger. Coke... hanging around with you is also infuriating."

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