Opposite Naruko, Muzan Kibutsuji was sitting on the sofa, holding a map in his hand.

"Humph, Narume, you've grown beyond my expectations, it's great."

"My subordinates are honored."

"If you come again..."

Kibutsuji pointed to a location on the map.

"This way."

"As commanded."

In the infinite city that was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop, Kibutsuji's jade-like red eyes looked upward.

"Nezuko and Uyashiki will be found soon. None of you... can escape."


The "repeating action" that Genya gave to Tanjiro is a skill that opens up all the senses in one breath. Unlike the entire episode, Genya can also perform repeated actions without breathing.

When Mingyuyu Yumei and Genya use it, they will recall those angry or painful memories, thereby increasing the heart rate and body temperature. As they talk, Tanjiro and Genya will point out whether the pattern of spots will be similar to this. .

If Xia Qing heard their words, he would immediately say the more accurate name of the so-called "repeated actions"-transparent world.

Tanjiro successfully made the markings appear by constantly recalling the tragic and painful memories of his family that was destroyed by Onimbutsuji Mu.


boom----! ! !

The boulder was pushed by Tanjiro.

Zenitsu and Inosuke were shocked when they saw this scene.

"Yes!! The first person to push is Tanjiro! Monster!!!!"

"Damn it, I lost to him...!!"

Enraged, Inosuke also rushed towards another rock.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to To To?"

boom----! !

Even Inosuke succeeded in pushing the rock.

“Ahhhh, no, no, then wouldn’t I be the one left behind?!”

Zenitsu, who didn't want to be left behind, shouted and rushed towards the rock.

"Don't fall behind! Don't fall behind! I don't want to be left behind!!!"

Chapter 137 Demon Dance Tsuji Muzan appears! (1/5)

After trying his best, Tanjiro finally pushed out of the rock, a meter away.

After just doing this, Tanjiro sat on the ground with his back against the rock to rest.

"Ha ha……!"

Tanjiro, who was panting heavily, finally felt a little more relaxed.

'Finally pushed out one meter, now Mr. Weimingyu's training is finally over...'

At this moment, Tanjiro suddenly felt his body shaking uncontrollably, and sweat suddenly flowed down like a waterfall.

"Oops, it's dehydration because I didn't drink water..."

I want to die here...

Zenitsu... Inosuke... Mr. Murata... anyone?

Someone come and save me...

Suddenly the view was blocked. The water pouring from above flows into Tanjiro's mouth.

"Ah...Mr. Mingmingyu...is saved..."

"Namo Amitabha... Namo Amitabha... I have also completed the rock-pushing training, and with my correct actions in the village, I agree with you..."

Mingyu Xingming said while shedding tears.

"You prioritize saving the lives of the villagers in the swordsmith's village. I agree with you on this."

After hearing these words, Tanjiro stood up quickly and said to Mingyu Xingmei.

"Thank you for the water and the training so far. I've learned a lot."

"All doubts have been eliminated. No matter what anyone says, I agree with you, Kamado Tanjiro."


Mingyu Xingming seemed to be unable to hear it, watching the wolf talking, and started talking to himself.

"I used to raise helpless children in the temple."

Although everyone is not related by blood, they help each other harmoniously and live together like a family.

"I planned to live like that forever... But one night, there was a child who didn't obey his instructions and didn't come back even after the sun set. Because he encountered a ghost, he let the ghost come to the temple in order to save himself. "

"The area where I live has a deep-rooted tradition of evil spirits harming people. I have to light a vine-flower incense burner every night. At that time, I tried to protect the remaining four children, but three children did not listen to me. Those children Maybe I thought that at that time I was very thin due to limited food, and because I was too weak to shout loudly, and could not see my eyes, what use could such an adult have?"

Tanjiro looked at the eyes of Bei Mingyu Xingming with some surprise.

Although he was blind, he was still able to move around like normal people, which he admired very much.

"At that time... only the youngest Sayo listened to my words. Only Sayo hid behind me. The other three children ran away without expecting me. They had their throats cut and died in the dark."

Mingyu Xingming recalled his mood at that time, and his expression became a little angry.

"I...at that time I wanted to protect Sayo no matter what, so I stepped forward to fight the evil spirit. The feeling of beating the creature was like hell. I will never forget that disgusting feeling in my life. It was the first time in my life that I punched a fist. , the power even makes me panic."

"If I hadn't been attacked by a ghost, I wouldn't have known how strong I was until my death... I beat the evil ghost on the head until dawn... That night, I lost countless things, I was injured, and I risked my life to protect him. Sayo, but the child said to the people who came..."

"That person is a monster, everyone was killed by that person!"

At this point in the story, Wei Mingyu Xingming could not control his emotions, and his teeth creaked from the bite.

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