【Ice Master】

After all the energy was taken away by the apostles, this place became a world of extreme ice. Here, at temperatures close to absolute zero, life is absolutely taboo.

Except for ice elves, only a few high-level magicians who pursue the limits of ice magic dare to approach this place. These people call themselves "Ice Masters".

As their name suggests, they have special talents and attainments in ice magic. But unlike other ice elemental magicians, they directly use ice to make various forms of weapons to strike targets.

Being able to only use a single type of ice magic is a fatal flaw for Ice Masters. However, due to the use of "Eye of Darkness" to greatly strengthen ice magic, their ice has become indestructible and cannot even be melted by any flames. Weapons they made out of ice.

Their low defense is their obvious weakness, but their powerful immortality skills allow them to have unlimited chances of reversal even after being killed instantly. Their powerful control ability of ice magic gives them a very high status in the duel field, and their powerful ice formation The masters are called "frozen hearts" after they awaken.

【Blood Mage】

The blood mage is a physical attack character who uses blood energy. He attacks mid-range objects by organically connecting the absorption and consumption of blood energy.

【Wind Chaser】

The Wind Chaser is a profession that lives with the wind and is proficient in wide-range mobile combat. All his skills are related to the wind.

【Dimension Walker】

Exploring the alien matter that exists on the other side of the dimension has been one of the long-cherished wishes of magicians throughout time;

However, if there is no protection and response to the power beyond dimensions, it will cause irreversible mental and physical damage to the researchers. Many pioneers fell into madness and depravity in this way.

In order to avoid such tragedies and use the power of the abyss as a way to resist the poisonous mist of the dimension, it is the magician who walks in the dimension named Dimension Walker.

They use heretical dimensional power and indulge almost crazily in a world that cannot be explained by the so-called laws. When you meet them, please be sure to pay attention: the madness that can even swallow the power of the abyss will doom everyone to destruction... ...

After browsing through each profession one by one, Xia Qing stretched out his index finger and clicked on the skill page of [Elemental Exploder]. After confirming it, he said.

"I want to change my profession to [Elemental Exploder]."

[Job transfer successful! Your current magician profession is [Elemental Exploder]! ]

Because his mental strength had been trained to a high enough level, Xia Qing did not feel a splitting headache like the first time. This second time, it was just a slight bulging feeling.

Chapter 5 Magic Experiment (3/4)

Immediately afterwards, a series of prompts sounded in his mind.

〖"Explosive Elemental Cloth Armor Mastery" has been learned! 〗

〖"Attribute Transformation" has been learned! 〗

〖"Attribute Protection" has been learned! 〗

〖"Ice Crystal Pendant" has been learned! 〗

〖"Elemental Forbidden" has been learned! 〗

〖"Elemental Power" has been learned! 〗

〖"Elemental Surround" has been learned! 〗

〖"Earth Flame" has been learned! 〗

〖"Magic Burning" has been learned! 〗

〖"Thunder Chain" has been learned! 〗

〖"Dark Domain Expansion" has been learned! 〗


Holding back the excitement in his heart at this moment, Xia Qing took a long breath, then closed his eyes, letting his mood gradually calm down from the fiery state.

Gradually, Xia Qing's somewhat tired brain fell into a state of recovery due to the power of a lot of moves he had just acquired, and he fell asleep.

Xia Qing, who was sleeping soundly, didn't notice something rolling next to him. The slender arms stretched out unconsciously touched his face. He put his left leg on the bed and put his face close to it without any image. On Xia Qing's pillow, he pushed his head to the right.

She also tried to take away Xia Qing's quilt, but even in her sleep, Xia Qing still subconsciously grabbed her own quilt. Those slender arms couldn't pull the quilt away at all, and finally placed it softly on the quilt. superior.


In the early morning, everything is quiet, and a warm sun rises slowly from the east.

The sunlight shining through the window spilled into the room, but the sunlight at this time failed to dispel the cold air at night.


The delicate nose wrinkled at this moment, and the cherry-haired girl with runny nose stood up, with a confused look on her face.

She had just woken up and she still didn't know what the situation was, and her brain was obviously in a state of chaos.

But then, when she found Xia Qing with a peaceful face in the quilt under her, her cheeks quickly turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she ran back to her bed like a cat that had been soaked in water. My whole body was wrapped up in it, unwilling to face reality.

"What, Teacher Xiaomeng, do you have a cold?"

After the light weight left her body, Xia Qing opened her eyes and asked Yue Yong Xiaomeng who was hiding in the bed,

"No, no, not at all...ah~Qiu!"

Xia Qing stepped forward and pulled the stubborn girl out of the quilt, but she just hugged the quilt tightly and refused to turn her red face away no matter what.

"Have you really done anything? As a female teacher who is a third-year student, how can she be so shy as a little girl that she can't even get out of bed because of this kind of thing?"

Xia Qing mocked.

As expected, Yue Yong Xiaomeng, who was stabbed in the heart by the word "Ben San" from Xia Qing's mouth, was immediately ashamed and angry. She made her hands like claws and flew towards Xia Qing.


Taking advantage of her unpreparedness, Xia Qing put the thermometer under her arm and pressed her back onto the quilt.

"Don't move. Your body feels a little warm to the touch now. You probably have a cold."

"I don't know...ah...I feel dizzy, like I'm floating."

After a few minutes, Xia Qing took out the thermometer and looked at it.

"This is a low-grade fever... Teacher Xiaomeng, do you have any spare cold medicine at home?"

"There is... over there..."

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