Xia Qing said.

"...Wuwu...but...you said...you have to work part-time during the day, and don't you also have to go to school..."

"Then why don't you come with me to work part-time? But if you go to school, your grades should be very good."

Xia Qing sighed.

With the girl's "perfect memory ability", no matter what kind of knowledge it is, she can easily remember it in her mind.

Although this does not mean that you can understand it, being able to remember it word for word is already beyond most people.

Index just looked at Xia Qing silently with tears in her eyes.

"But... I think... you have things to do... you have your daily life... I shouldn't disturb you..."

"My daily life is the same as what you saw today. It will be easier after school starts. You can go wherever you want first. It doesn't matter if I can't attend classes or something. If you want to quit, then I can quit. I don’t care at all about this kind of thing.”

Xia Qing was telling the truth.


The girl's crying became fainter, and her tearful pupils were slightly widened at this moment.


Xia Qing affirmed.

"Speaking of which, how should we read one hundred and three thousand magic books?"

"You can't watch it, you'll go crazy!"

“The best way to eliminate fear is to face it.”

Xia Qing said, then stretched out his hand towards the quilt covering the girl.

"Is this how you see it~?"

Xia Qing, who asked this question, suddenly stretched out his hand and lifted the quilt.

"Ah ah!!!"

However, the girl was still wearing a monk's uniform. There was nothing extra to see. I don't know why she blushed and shouted shyly. It was so strange.

While Xia Qing was thinking this, a childish exclamation came from behind.

"Xia Qing, you...!"


Looking back, it was Yue Yong Xiaomeng who came back from shopping for groceries in a green coat. She looked at the scene where Xia Qing lifted up the quilt and Index screamed. The expression on her face changed from confused, to confused, and then again. Surprised, very exciting.

The silver-haired girl, on the other hand, screamed as if she had been caught having sex with her boyfriend, and then shrank into the bed like a cat, not daring to face the reality.


Six hundred meters away, on the roof of a mixed apartment building. Steele removed the telescope from his eyes.

"I have already investigated the identity of the young man traveling with Forbidden Books... What is her condition?"

A girl came directly behind Steele and asked.

Steele didn't look back.

"He's still alive...and that boy can also use magic and can completely suppress me. Damn it, if I had known earlier, I would have treated it with a waterproof film before using it. Really, why didn't I think of it earlier...!"

Steele muttered to himself somewhat annoyed.

If they had used waterproof ink, perhaps they would have already embarked on the journey back with Index, so there would be no need for such trouble.

Chapter 29 Kanzaki Kaori (1/4)

The girl standing behind Steele remained silent. It seemed that she was more grateful that no one died than that new enemies appeared.

The girl is eighteen years old, but compared to the fourteen-year-old Steele, she is almost a head shorter.

But that's because Steele is over two meters tall. If compared with the average height of Japanese people, the girl's height is still considered very high.

The waist-length black hair is tied into a ponytail, and an Odachi is hung on the waist, inserted into the scabbard. It is a type of sword called "the sword", which is used by Shinto in the rain praying ceremony. It is longer than An Odachi over two meters tall.

But it would be inappropriate to call her a "Japanese beauty". Because she was wearing old jeans and a white short-sleeved T-shirt. For some reason, the jeans have no leg at all on the left leg, and are exposed all the way to the top of the thigh.

The excess fabric at the hem of the T-shirt is tied around the waist, exposing the navel. On the feet are knee-high boots, and even the odadachi is tucked into a leather belt.

He looked just like a police sergeant in a Western movie, except that the pistol was turned into a large sword. Like Steele, who smelled of perfume, he was dressed very unnaturally.

"Okay, Kanzaki. Who are they anyway?"

"Well... I can collect almost no information about that boy, but he shouldn't be a magician or a person with supernatural powers."

"What do you mean? Are you telling me that he is just an ordinary high school student?"

Steele held the cigarette in his mouth and stared at the butt, which started to sparkle on its own.

"...Don't kid me. No matter what, I have completely analyzed the twenty-four existing rune scripts and developed six rune script magicians with new powers. Even if I am a layman with no ability, even if I can’t feel the existence of his magic power, but it’s not that simple in the world to be able to defeat my ‘Witch Hunting King’.”

Even with the help of words from the Index of Forbidden Books, how could a high school student possess magical fighting methods and be extremely powerful in close combat?

There is also his magic that can be cast instantly without reciting a spell. If an ordinary person has such an ability, then this ghost place is too magical.


Kanzaki Kaori narrowed his eyes and said.

"...The most terrifying thing is that a young man with such a powerful fighting ability is only classified as "incompetent" by the people here."

Another face of Academy City is a mass production facility for superpowers.

Beforehand, Steele and Kanzaki had already communicated with the Five Elements Agency, Academy City's superior "organization" - of course, they did not mention anything about the Index of Prohibited Books.

Because they know that even the world's top magic group cannot hide in the enemy's territory for a long time without exposing their identity.

"It seems...the information has been blocked deliberately...Kanzaki, are there other magic organizations in this Far Eastern country?"

Based on the current intelligence, the two judged that this young man should not belong to the Five Elements Organization, but to someone from another organization.

In other words, they mistakenly thought that the mysterious organization to which Xia Qing belonged had completely blocked Xia Qing's information.

"...As long as outsiders do anything rash in this city, they should not be able to escape the eyes of the Five Elements Agency."

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