
The silver-haired girl replied with a smile.

"When I first woke up in the alley, I didn't even remember who I was. I just knew that I had to run away quickly. I couldn't even remember what I ate last night, but the magician and the forbidden book clearly appeared in my mind. Directory, the Church of Necessary Evil and other knowledge, it feels so scary..."

"I see, even if the memory is erased, I will still passively think of these things."

It should have been set when the "collar" was installed.

"Hurry up and leave, Xia Qing~"

Some happy girls trotted forward, humming their own songs such as "Milk~Coffee~".

Index walked quickly towards the public bathhouse alone, while Xia Qing followed her pace not far behind.

As soon as the pure white nun saw Xia Qing approaching, she would continue to trot forward for several steps, and then wait for Xia Qing in front.

If someone saw him chasing a weak-looking nun in such a dark alley, Xia Qing would definitely be treated as a follower and arrested.

At this moment, Xia Qing suddenly noticed something. He stopped walking and stood still.

"The feeling of magic..."

Thinking about it carefully, it was only eight o'clock in the evening, not even time to go to bed, but the surroundings were as quiet as a forest at night.

When Xia Qing came to the one-way three-lane road, the subtle and wonderful feeling turned into an obvious "abnormality".

There is no trace of human existence at all, and the human beings in this area seem to have become extinct.

There was not a single vehicle on the road, and even the vehicles parked seemed abandoned, with no one inside.

"Stiyl just used the rune seal of "Dispel Idlers". "

The sudden female voice shot straight towards Xia Qing like a cold blade.

This girl was not hiding in the shadows, nor was she secretly following Xia Qing from behind. She was standing in the middle of the three lanes as wide as a taxiway, blocking Xia Qing's path about ten meters away.

"In order to disperse the crowd, he made the people nearby have a feeling of 'I don't want to come near this place for some reason.' Most people should stay inside the building, so don't worry."

The girl was wearing a T-shirt and jeans with no leg at all on her left leg, which was barely within the normal range of clothing.

But hanging like a pistol on her waist, the Odachi sword, which was more than two meters long, exuded chilling killing intent.

Although the blade in the scabbard cannot be seen, just by looking at the dark scabbard, which is like the pillars of an ancient Japanese house and engraved with many layers of history, you can tell that this sword has a lot of history.

The girl herself didn't feel nervous at all. She introduced herself to Xia Qing as if she was just chatting.

"My name is Kanzaki Kaori...I don't want to say another name if I can."


"Magic name."

That's a murderous name specifically used when activating magic.

"You are also a member of the magic association, right? In case there is any information error, it is better to ask in advance."

The Magic Society is an "organization" that pursues Index for the 13,000 magic books. It is a "group" that dreams of mastering all magic, changing all the laws of the world, and becoming a "demon god".

Xia Qing was completely indifferent to the girl's intimidating Odachi, but asked with a smile as if chatting.


For just a moment, Kanzaki frowned with an expression of incomprehension before he spoke.

"Did Yin...the Index of Forbidden Books tell you?"

"Well, just take it as such."

Xia Qing, who didn't want to be able to explain such a problem, answered perfunctorily.

"I won't beat around the bush with you."

Kanzaki closed one eye and said.

"Before I say the magic name, I hope you will give that girl to me for protection."

"You can't protect her."

Xia Qing replied calmly to Kanzaki's words with a tone that could not be rejected.

"Then there's no way."

Kanzaki closed the other eye.

"I have no choice but to say my magic name and take her away."

As soon as the girl finished speaking, there was a sudden roar on the ground, shaking her feet like an earthquake.

It was like a bomb going off. In the corner of his sight, the night sky that should have been dark blue turned orange-red like the setting sun.

It seemed that in the distance, about a few hundred meters away, a huge flame was burning.

The moment Xia Qing looked towards the direction of the flames, Kanzaki Kaori's attack had already struck!

Chapter 31: False Drawing a Sword (3/4)

The distance between Xia Qing and Kanzaki was a full ten meters away, and the length of Kanzaki's Odachi sword was more than two meters. For a girl, let alone swinging it, she even unsheathed it. These are all impossible things to do.

Normally this is how it should be.

But in the next moment, like a huge laser beam flashing through, the air above Xia Qing's head was torn apart.

Behind Xia Qing, the spiral blades of the wind turbine were cut diagonally as quietly as butter.

"Please don't do this again."

The sound came from ten meters away.

"Once you take your attention away from me, there's only one way to die."

The Japanese sword with a length of more than two meters has been put back into the scabbard by Kanzaki. Her action of drawing the sword made people seem to have not drawn the sword at all, but for the [Thunder of Thunder] who is famous for its explosiveness and speed. Xia Qing, who was breathing, could clearly see it.

Moreover, the dynamic vision of [Sharingan] can clearly see her every movement, even the slight movement of every slender finger.

In fact, the girl's "drawing the knife" was just a cover-up, she just pulled the knife out a little and then pushed it back.

With a thud, the cut wind turbine blades fell to the ground behind Xia Qing.

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