"Sleep next to me."

After hearing this reply, the girl on the other side of the smallpox was obviously relieved.

"Since the child is asleep, that's just right. Please listen carefully to what I'm going to say next."

Xia Qing leaned against the wall and spoke.


"I don't want to hear those ridiculous remarks you make. They are just deceiving yourself. In Index's critical situation, the church's inspection is much more rigorous than your personal fallacies!"

Kanzaki probably guessed what Xia Qing was going to say as soon as he heard him speak. If she hadn't been unable to defeat him, she would have burst through the door and taken Index away.

"I said before that the child's deadline is at midnight tonight. We are all ready. We will end everything as planned by then... In fact, we wanted to erase her memory for the first time. When she was here, I started working hard to help her "create memories" three days ago. On the last night, I even held her and cried bitterly. I think you should also have the right to do this."

Kanzaki said.

"Besides, to be honest, I don't know what is the right thing to do. Since the magic I am so proud of can't even save a girl, I may have to rely on science to be the doctor, but..."

Xia Qing used her appendix to think about what Kanzaki would say next.

"Even so, I still don't want to leave such an important friend to science. After all, I still have the pride of "what magic can't do, science can't do," right? Pour the inexplicable medicine into that Using a scalpel to cut randomly on the child's body... This crude method will only shorten her life span. I don't want to see that child being harmed by machinery at all."

"...That's enough. Are you magicians so stupid?"

Xia Qing's sudden words made Kanzaki a little confused.

"What's the meaning?"

Her education from childhood to adulthood and everything around her are conveying a message to her, that magic is more powerful than science. It can be said that people on the magic side hate the science side and clearly regard all kinds of things in their minds. Mysterious, demonic, 'twisted' into something that can be explained in plain language.

All in all, until now, all the methods that Kanzaki and Steele have found have been on the magic side, and they have never sought help from anyone on the scientific side.

This is enough to prove how big the gulf is between the two groups.

If Academy City's technology were higher and some interstellar weapons could be created, this farce would have ended long ago.

One is a magician who can only wander around the earth forever and thinks he is mysterious and noble, while the other is a scientist who travels among the stars and has personally visited the vast starry sky.

Of course, all the above speculations are only valid if the old rulers, evil gods and the like do not exist.

But in fact, even if these exist, it does not mean that the magic side is stronger. Their strength is still the same and there will be no change.

"If the magic school and the science school can unite, maybe it will be possible to reach the realm of God."

The realm of gods that Xia Qing talks about is the kind that people in this world recognize.

"How is it possible! The two factions have always hated each other. Anyway, this day will never happen in our lifetime."

Kanzaki replied matter-of-factly.

"Don't change the topic! We are talking about saving Index now. If we don't erase her memory——"

Before she could finish her words, Xia Qing's words instantly blocked her thousands of words in her throat.

"The collar was removed by me."


The collar was deliberately set by the church for fear of the rebellion of the Index of Forbidden Books. If the memory is not erased every year, the person will die.

But Kanzaki and the others explained it in terms of "life support system".

The intention was obviously to bully these two children who knew nothing but magic.

"Even if the collar is eliminated,..."

Kanzaki wanted to say something, but it felt like something was stuck in his throat.

But Xia Qing's words continued.

"Although "complete memory ability" is rare, Index is probably not the only one in the world with such a physique, and other people with "complete memory ability" physiques cannot use magic like her. A ridiculous way to erase memories."

"what do you want to say in the end……"

Kanzaki's voice became a little weak.

"If 15% of the brain's capacity can only store one year's worth of memories, wouldn't other people only live to be six or seven years old?"


Kanzaki was a little confused. In the past, she only thought about finding a way to save Index, but she never thought about looking for someone who also had "complete memory ability".

"You have been taught to play tricks. With perfect memory, you can indeed remember all the garbage memories. You can't even forget the things you saw on the supermarket advertisements last year - but it is absolutely impossible for your brains to be exploded because of this. They It will only take all the memories of nearly a hundred years of life into the grave, because the human brain can remember information for one hundred and forty years."

"B-But... Index has memorized all the books in the entire library..."

Kanzaki retorted with a stutter in his words.

"Human 'memory' does not only exist in one area. The memory area is divided into many places, such as the 'meaning memory area' that governs language and knowledge, the 'procedure memory area' that governs motor proficiency, and the 'experience' that governs memories. Memory area, etc., there are many kinds.”

"Um...yes, what do you mean..."

Although he had gone to school, Kanzaki had never dabbled in this area, which was a bit incomprehensible.

"To put it simply, the 'container' in which each type of memory is placed is different, just like garbage is divided into flammable and non-flammable. Even if a person loses his memory because he hits his head, he will not crawl on the ground and become a speechless person. Baby, isn’t it?”

"...It means..."

"That's right, no matter how many library books you read or how much information you add to the "meaning memory area", it will not overwhelm the "experience memory area" that governs memories. This is absolutely impossible in brain medicine. Things that happened. "

This sentence made Kanzaki's head feel like a heavy blow.

Under the silver-white moonlight, the girl who was sitting on the park bench, the mobile phone close to her ear slipped from her hand, and her arm hung down weakly.

Chapter 36 Suddenly boring (4/4)

Perhaps even Kanzaki herself didn't realize that she had subconsciously regarded what Xia Qing said as fact.

Because the strength that Xia Qing showed before was definitely able to crush her and Steele, even though Steele always thought that he lost to the water.

But after Kanzaki went to fight with her in person, she discovered that the opponent's strength was far superior to hers. Even if she used that part of the power of the "God Son" to use "Yi Flash", it was useless. The opponent's speed was like Like lightning, it creates afterimages even when moving.

"If it's true what you said, then why...?"

Kanzaki muttered to himself in a daze, stretched out his hand to pick up the mobile phone that had fallen on the bench beside him, and put it to his ear again.

Xia Qing chuckled and then explained to him.

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