"Her family is having barbecue tonight."

"Stop talking, I'll go!"


Barbecue tonight.

Teacher Xiaomeng, who looked only twelve years old, was standing in the kitchen looking at the special offer bought from the supermarket, a luxurious and gorgeous barbecue set worth 1,200 yen.

Since there is an extra roommate, it is a level higher than the usual 800 yen Baika Dazzling Yakiniku combo.

By the way, it is not unusual for Teacher Xiaomeng to have more cohabitants in the room.

Teacher Xiaomeng is a natural educator. Her interest is to bring the girls back to their rooms and provide them with temporary accommodation until they find their own direction.

"...If you think about it carefully, the last time Yubo sister went to the bakery as an apprentice a month ago, it has been quite a while now, and she has been alone all the time."

Teacher Xiaomeng took out several different cans of beer from the refrigerator and planned to compare the taste.

Teacher Xiaomeng doesn’t know which seasonal food barbecue belongs to.

In this day and age, any food can be eaten in any season.

However, for Xiaomeng, a female teacher who looks only twelve years old but can already distinguish the taste of beer, barbecue is definitely a food that should be eaten in summer.

And she decided today to hand over the task of barbecue to the cohabitant who didn't pay the rent.

To put it more extreme, Teacher Xiaomeng only needs to be responsible for drinking beer tonight and eating the barbecue that others brought with long chopsticks.

It feels like becoming a king.

Incidentally, this cohabitant is Himegami Akisa.

She was sitting at the small low table in the center of the room, with the iron plate ready, meditating to resist her appetite.

Talking about meditation may sound a bit solemn, but to put it bluntly, it means sitting cross-legged, holding back an empty stomach and shouting "It's not good yet." Teacher Xiaomeng likes to season the meat before grilling it.

Everyone has different ways of eating barbecue, and Teacher Xiaomeng particularly prefers the dual operation mode of dipping it in sauce before grilling and then dipping it in sauce again after grilling.

Of course, grilling the meat with sauce on the iron plate will definitely fill the whole room with the smell of oily smoke.

With this thought in mind, Yue Yong Xiaomeng walked towards the small table holding a large plate full of meat. Ji Shen might like to dip the barbecue in more sauce and eat it with rice, so he had already put the rice pot beside him.

"Okay, we have to light the iron plate on fire~! Himegami lost the game of rock climbing, so we have to do forced labor with long chopsticks! Come on, let's grill the meat hard for Teacher Xiaomoe──!"

"Yeah. But before that, let me tell you a scary legend from Academy City."

"...Teacher Xiaomeng will not be scared to tears by the Seven Mysteries! Some people even said rudely that I am one of the seven wonders, so the teacher is not afraid at all!"

In fact, the legend of the Seven Wonders circulating in Academy City is not a strange story about monsters and ghosts, but a legend like "the evidence of the true existence of UFOs has been concealed".

As for the Legend of the Seven Wonders of Academy City, to put it simply, most of them are related to the "Imaginary Math District. The Five Elements Mechanism".

It is said that the origin of Academy City was just a small research institution.

Later, due to the continuous construction of employee dormitories, recreation centers, related research institutions and other buildings, it finally turned into a huge city.

But now no one knows where in the city the "original research institute" is located.

Because it is a legend, there are many versions.

Some people say that the research institution that existed decades ago was disbanded unknowingly, while others say that that research institution is now hidden deep underground.

Some people say that the research institution disguised itself as an ordinary school in daily life, so no one noticed.

Some people say that the research institution uses special superpowers and fictional technology to hide in a distorted space.

One hundred people have one hundred different ways of talking about the so-called seven wonders.

There is no evidence to prove any of them.

An organization that obviously exists but no one is aware of it.

There are now twelve school districts in Academy City, but that institution does not belong to any of those twelve numbers.

[Imaginary Math Zone·Five Elements Organ]

From the rumors of this "invisible research institution", various fictional technological legends have also been derived.

For example, they use AI (artificial intelligence) to control the ethical, military and economic situations around the world through the Internet.

For example, they possess the DNA of great people and saints around the world, and after analysis, they have a "genius factory" that can create geniuses at the touch of a button.

For example, the silicon carbide raw material used to make the calculation core of the "Tree Diagram Designer" can only be made using the imaginary technology of the imaginary math area, and it is no longer possible to produce it.

Author's message:


ps: Thank you Feifeitian for your monthly ticket*1!

Chapter 72 wdnmd (2/4)

For example, there is a group of search forces specializing in searching for the Imaginary Math District under the water. Once anyone gets close to the core of the mystery of the Imaginary Math District, they will kidnap and torture them for the purpose of gathering intelligence.

"For example, the Imaginary Math District has successfully developed the technology of immortality, and the experimental product is Teacher Xiaomeng... This kind of rumor is really a violation of human rights..."

Teacher Xiaomeng took a beer, smoked a cigarette, and sighed.

Himegami, who was sitting opposite Mr. Xiaomeng across the small table, waved his hands and said.

"Listen to me, horror legend, horror legend!"

"Ah...Okay, if you want to say it, just say it quickly!"

Himegami Qiusha nodded, and then spoke.

"Yeah. Legend has it that the burnt parts of barbecue contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are carcinogens."

"Wait... wait, this terrible fact is different from the horror legend in the summer!"

"There's no need to mind it now. You'll eat a lot of it before you know it."

"That's too much──! You want to monopolize the barbecue by reducing the teacher's appetite, right? Himegami!"

Teacher Xiaomeng, who was under psychological warfare attack, suddenly heard the doorbell ringing.

Ding dong~

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