"help me……"

The words that no one should have heard came out of Mikoto's mouth again, as if she was praying to an unknown god.

The eyes that had long been dry were wet with tears.

Then, the lightning strike stopped, and Mikoto, who must have been unable to move, was like a child, with tears rolling down her face, and those arms held her in her arms.

Mikoto was addicted to the sense of security coming from her seemingly not too generous embrace.


In the dark night, as the time gets later and later, the air becomes more and more chilly.

Even though it is the height of summer, there is still a cold feeling like having an icy knife surface pressed against your cheek.

Miss Misaka, numbered 10031, moved through the bustling downtown area towards a quiet corner of the industrial area with mechanically precise steps.

Under the neatly arranged street lights, Sister Misaka walked on the deserted street, mentally reviewing the content of the "experiment" that was about to begin.


Sister Misaka, who carefully planned her own death, had no sad expression on her face. There is no fear, no hatred, and there is no so-called giving up hope.

Some are just "nothing" expressions.

In the eyes of others, she is like a clockwork doll walking towards the edge of the cliff, and people can't help but worry about her.

Sister Misaka is not an abnormal thinker who does not understand the preciousness of life.

If there is a person who is dying in front of her, Misaka will immediately review all possible options and take the most appropriate rescue action.

However, Sister Misaka cannot apply such logical concepts to herself.

Because her body can be automatically created by just preparing the materials and pressing a button. There is nothing in her heart, and the knowledge is forcibly entered into her brain using a brainwashing device like a hard disk copy.

Sister Misaka's life is priced at 180,000 yen. It's no different than a high-performance computer.

And as long as the manufacturing technology continues to improve, the cost can be reduced even lower. By then, it will be no different from the auction items piled on the shelf.

"...So, there is something that Misaka really can't understand, Misaka thought to herself."

Walking on the dark night road, Misaka suddenly thought.

The young man who accompanied her to take care of the cat appeared in her mind again. For some reason, Misaka's heart began to hurt when she thought that she would not be able to continue talking to him after she died.

For the first time, Misaka sister 10031 had the idea of ​​not wanting to die.

"...don't understand. Can't understand."

Since you can't understand it, you shouldn't think about it in the first place. Sister Misaka concluded.

It's like I can't understand the mood of a frog swimming in a ditch, but what does that matter?

The problem is, in that case...

Why does Miss Misaka think of the boy's face?

If it was really meaningless, I wouldn't think of it at all.

Just like the shape and color of the chewing gum residue on the station platform floor a week ago, there is no reason to remember it.

The important thing now is to analyze and integrate the information from this "experiment" in your mind.

If the experiment fails, it will cause trouble for many people.

Under such circumstances, how could you not concentrate and think about that boy who had nothing to do with the "experiment"?


Sister Misaka doesn't understand.

Therefore, Sister Misaka concluded that since she could not understand, she should not think about this issue from the beginning.

Sister Misaka couldn't understand even such a trivial matter.

The girl who didn't understand anything walked alone to the execution ground where she was going to be killed.

The sound of precise footsteps sounded like the sound of the second hand on a time bomb.


Chapter 77 Accelerator’s Weakness (3/5)

Located on the iron bridge.

The breeze blew, stirring the girl's long brown hair.

"Why do you have to stop me..."

These tearful words were not the voice of the only seven Level 5 superpowers in Academy City, nor the voice of Tokiwadai Middle School's super eldest lady "Railgun", but the voice of a person who was alone in the darkness. Trembling, the voice of an ordinary girl.

The girl's tears wet Xia Qing's clothes, but he didn't care.

"I have a way to abort the experiment."

Xia Qing's words made the girl raise her head in confusion, and her eyes red from crying appeared in Xia Qing's eyes at this moment.

"This experiment is completely based on the calculation results of the [dendrogram designer], and the researcher just followed it. Therefore, you would think that as long as the researcher mistakenly thinks that there is a problem with the calculation results, the experiment will be terminated."


"When [the tree diagram designer] made the calculation, he must have decided that Accelerator was the strongest superpower in Academy City."

The only possible way.

"In that case, the method is very simple. Just let the researchers think that Accelerator, who is usually said to be the strongest, is actually very weak. Wouldn't it be enough?"


Mikoto said hesitantly.

"There is no way to stop the experiment with such a simple method, because both his and I have superpower levels of [5]! If a superpower user defeats another superpower user of the same level, researchers will also think that this is It’s all within the allowable error range, and there’s no way for them to conclude that Accelerator is weak.”

Mikoto said sadly, gritting her teeth tightly as if she was about to spit out blood.

"Besides, we can't defeat him even if we use human sea tactics."

Mikoto cursed her own weakness and continued.

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