Members of Academy City's hostile forces are waiting for him outside. As long as he follows their arrangements and absconds abroad, any research institution will be happy to accept him with the superpower-related technology he possesses.

Unexpectedly, "The Last Work" actually escaped after being injected with the virus.

Akai Ao's plan began to fall apart at that moment.

In the end, the physical body of the signal has not been fully adjusted and cannot survive outside the incubator for a long time.

Maybe the signal will eventually die before the virus starts.

If that happens, sisters scattered around the world will not be infected by the virus.

In this case, the mission is tantamount to failure.

The hostile forces will never forgive this kind of thing. Not to mention that they will not assist Tianjing to escape, and may even issue a pursuit order.

Tianjing must capture "Last Work", and what's more ironic is that he must save her life.

Chapter 98 Playing with a gun at the Platinum Star (2/4)

But judging from the current situation, if there is no incubator on hand, it really does not mean that the goal has been achieved.

For the past week, Akai Axiong was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot in order to find the final signal.

"Damn it, why bother!"

Akio Amai opened the car door and walked onto the road, complaining with an unhappy face.

He touched the pistol in his pocket and felt a sense of security.

What we face next is a monster that can defeat Accelerator, so it's definitely not possible to attack it head-on.

However, the other party should not know his identity, so he only needs to pretend to be someone related to "The Last Work". When the other party is careless, he can suddenly take out a pistol from his arms and kill him with a close shot. .

Although it is impossible to hit Accelerator with modern weapons, this person does not have the "reflection" ability of Accelerator at the same level as Accelerator.

As Xiong Tianjing was about to enter the stairs of the apartment, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind.

Because it was night, few people would pass by the path he just walked on, so the sound of someone walking became extremely clear at this moment.

For ordinary people, the mere sound of footsteps is of course nothing to be nervous about.

But Amai Ao is different. His whole body is now in a state of tension, his mental pressure has reached a peak, and he is far more sensitive to the things around him than usual.


Amai turned his head suddenly. After seeing the person walking towards him in the shadows, the anxiety in his heart intensified as the person continued to get closer.

Even after being shouted out by him, the man remained indifferent and continued to walk towards Amai Axiong. It was obvious that he was coming towards him.

After his anxiety reached a critical point, Amakai finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted angrily at the figure.

"Who's there?! Get out!"

When Xia Qing was walking out of the shadows, the hair on Amai's body stood up as soon as he saw that face, his legs trembled uncontrollably, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.


Gunshots fired and fire suddenly appeared! The rapidly rotating bullets shot towards Xia Qingji!

However, it stopped at a distance of two meters. At this point, the bullet no longer made any progress.

"How can it be!?"

Amai Yao screamed in fear. His screams certainly attracted the attention of some people living in the apartment, but because of the gunshots, no one dared to walk out of the door.

"Calm down, middle-aged man, isn't it too ugly?"

The young man spoke out.

After taking two steps back and hitting the wall, Amai raised his pistol again and pulled the trigger continuously.

"Still want to shoot?"

Whoosh! !

The bullet originally caught by [Platinum Star] was thrown back and accurately shot into the muzzle of the pistol.

The bullet collided with the pistol that had not yet pulled the trigger. The instantaneous force caused Asao Amai's right hand holding the pistol to lose force. The pistol flew out and hit his face. A wound appeared at the location where it was hit. The blood kept flowing out.


The bones in the cheeks were undoubtedly shattered, after all, those were bullets thrown by [Platinum Star].

As Xia Qing continued to approach, Ahiro Amai, who was slumped on the ground while holding his bloody cheek, wanted to move back with fear on his face, but there was only a cold wall behind him.

"That's a special warhead, how could it be blocked so easily..."

Amai Yao murmured in a hoarse and trembling voice that was close to collapse.

The "gun warhead" is a new generation weapon. By carving special grooves on the warhead, the resistance of the air is reversed and utilized to create a shock wave gun.

In order to convert air resistance into a shock wave gun, this special warhead's speed is almost completely consumed by the air resistance, and the flight of the warhead is as if it is equipped with a parachute.

The shock wave gun generated will move along the trajectory of the warhead, but at a slightly slower speed than the warhead.

Although the error is only less than 0.4 seconds, how could [Platinum Star], which is used with ordinary bullets, be unable to catch slower impact warheads?


Xia Qing let out a cold voice, and a blazing flame burst out from his raised right hand. Amakai's face was covered with tears and snot. He begged for mercy at first. After realizing that Xia Qing could not let him go, he begged for mercy. It turned into rants, then wild curses.

The blazing temperature melted the iron door not far away, and the corpse, without even leaving the burnt smell, drifted away in the wind.


The house leaked and it rained all night. Two days after Tianjing Yaxiong's incident, the sky was gloomy for several days.

Xia Qing was naturally happy to have some free time, so she simply lay at home for several days. Anyway, now that the student dormitory was approved, she no longer had to go out to work.

By the way, he is currently living in the student dormitory, but the floor has been changed to Door No. 7 on the seventh floor.

"Ah~ It feels so good to lie in bed and listen to the sound of rain on a rainy morning~"

Xia Qing, who was lying on the bed with a quilt and was too lazy to move, felt the happiness of the rainy day.

Although it seems like there is going to be class today.

However, there is a superpower development class today, so it’s best not to go to such a class.

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